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Administrative Staff / MVMS Principal

Ms. McKenna served as the interim principal at Mill Valley Middle School, where she has developed strong relationships with staff and students. Many members of the school …

People & News

Napa Land Trust has announced Tim Persson's election to its board of trustees. Persson is the chairman and CEO of Napa Valley-based Hess Persson Estates, and has been with the family …

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Meet Our 2021–2022 Leadership Award Scholars

The Leadership Award is a one-year, merit-based scholarship that recognizes undergraduate students at UC Berkeley who demonstrate innovative, initiative-driven leadership impacting their academic, work, or community …

Maria Masi

Maria Masi serves as Senior Managing Director of Development of Mill Creek's New Jersey office. She is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the development process, including site …

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Rocklabs boyd crusher mineral stats,the rocklabs boyd crusher is the worlds first doubleacting fine jaw crusher, employing jaws that can hold up to of sample and crush a sample to in a single pass featuring top and bottom moving jaws, the patented design of the boyd crusher delivers the maximum amount of crushing, reducing samples by times the ...

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Mill Valley Mourns the Loss of an Icon With the …

Mill Valley lost an icon over the holidays, as Maria Aversa, the longtime force of nature behind the legendary La Ginestra restaurant in downtown Mill Valley, died unexpectedly on December 25th. Aversa was born on May …

2020–2021 Leadership Award Recipients

Every year, Cal alumni dedicate their time to helping find the next class of inspirational leaders at Berkeley. Please join us in congratulating our 2020 – 2021 Alumni …


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