ASARCO's primary copper smelter in Ruston, Washington operated for almost 100 years. Final copper smelting occurred in 1985, with some processing of high-arsenic materials continuing into 1986. While the Tacoma Smelter was still operating, it was included as part of the Commencement Bay Superfund Site.

Smelting Furnace

The advantages of flash smelting over roasting/electric furnace melting are that flash smelting: (1) requires much less energy than electric smelting and (2) avoids the electric furnace's emission of weak SO 2 gas [31]. It is also a high production rate process, perfectly matched to the 50–100-μm particles in froth flotation concentrates.


The interviews with both Curtis Dungey and Chuck O'Donahue discuss their association with the Tacoma Smelter and ASARCO. O'Donahue, who worked at the plant for over twenty years (1963-1985), also was active as a union leader for Local 25. ... --Tacoma--Interviews; Mineral industries--Employees--Interviews; Smelting furnaces--Environmental ...

The Evolution of Technology for Extractive

Asarco shaft furnace for copper cathode and anode melting; ..., such as the Cyprus IsaSmelt reactor at Miami and the Asarco ConTop cyclone smelting process at El Paso. In addition, Noranda adapted its single blister-making concept to a large-capacity process producing very high grade (75%) matte.


As a result, ASARCO said, about 99.7% of all sulfur dioxide produced during the copper smelting process would be removed. October 11, 2014 - Owners of Arizona's two copper smelters plan to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions that federal officials say have fouled the air in two Central Arizona communities.


Capacity b Type of Smelting Process ASARCo, Inc. Hayden, Arizona 170 Inco Flash Chino Mines Co. Hurley, New Mexico 170 Cyprus Miami Co. Globe, Arizona 180 Isasmelt/Electric Kennecott Corp. ... Flash furnace smelting consists of blowing fine, dried copper sulfide concentrates and silica flux with air, oxygen-enriched air, or oxygen blast into a ...

Asarco Tacoma Smelter Superfund Projects: A Brief Overview …

During the time it operated, the Asarco Smelter used high tem- perature furnaces to melt the metals away from raw materials. This smelting process resulted in two main types of …

Review of ASARCO El Paso Smelting Processes

2.4. Copper Smelting Before 1993, reverberatory furnaces were used in copper smelting in El Paso. A reverberatory furnace is a metallurgical furnace that isolates the material being processed from contact with the fuel, but not from contact with combustion gases. The reverberatory furnace smelting operation was a continuous process, with frequent

Garfield Smelters

Kennecott Copper Corporation took over operation of the Garfield smelter of American Smelting and Refining Company (Asarco). The purchase took effect on January 1, 1959. The sale price was reported as $20 million. ... As a result of this study, the Outokumpu flash smelting furnace was chosen as the primary smelting vessel, to be coupled with ...

Using Oxygen-Enriched Blast During the Operation of Shaft Furnaces …

The practice of shaft smelting of copper-bearing charge using oxygen-enriched air at the Mednogorsk Copper–Sulfur Combine is considered. After increasing the rate of oxygen enrichment of the blast air from 30 to 36%, the output increased by 20.1% and the copper content was 33.0–35.3% in the matte and 0.5% Cu in the waste slag. The material and heat balances …

Copper shaft furnace melting and charging: A new approach

The changes in the operating procedure and design of the shaft furnace adopted at Encore Wire Ltd., led to a substantial improvement in the company's shaft furnaces's heat-exchange capabilities.

Asarco: A History Timeline Of The Smokestacks In El Paso!

1971: El Paso City- County Health department reports ASARCO had emitted 1,012 metric tons of lead between 1969 and 1971 and later determined the smelter was the principle source of particulate lead within a radios of one mile. During that period, the smelter also emitted 520 tons of zinc, 1.2 tons of arsenic and 12 tons of cadmium. ASARCO also reported the …


The ASARCO LLC (Asarco) Hayden copper smelter began operations in 1912 with reverberatory furnaces (reverbs) and converters. The Clean Air Act of 1970 spurred installation in 1971 of a …


• 2014-2015 Asarco worked with ADEQ on SO 2 SIP Modeling Demonstration of Attainment – CRP primary control project. • 2015-2016 Asarco began an analysis to establish new emissions limits post-retrofit based on EPA Guidance procedures. • January 19, 2016: Asarco received the air quality permit revision to construct the CRP

Recasting the Smelter | Former ASARCO Smelter Site, El …

Before the century-old Asarco refinery closed in 1999, workers sweated above smelting furnaces replacing fire bricks as they melted, donned protective clothing to crawl into acid tanks …

Extractive Metallurgy of Copper

The process oxidizes the iron and sulfur from molten smelting furnace matte with oxygen-enriched air or air to produce molten metallic copper. It is most often carried out in the cylindrical Peirce-Smith converter. ... The principal melting tool for cathodes is the Asarco shaft furnace. Casting machines are divided into three main types: billet ...

Melting cathode copper—A case study in process …

Melting of cathode copper in the reverberatory, the electric arc furnace and the Asarco shaft furnace is analyzed in order to evaluate specific capacity, process fuel equivalent and the …

Library Research Guides: Borderlands: ASARCO 41 (2024-2025)

After a fire severely damaged equipment, Kohout states, "ASARCO rebuilt with seven lead furnaces and expanded processing, which required hiring at least 900 workers locally." ... The photo was an aerial view of Smeltertown and the ASARCO smelting factory. I assumed he cut it from a newspaper; the ends faded, and the ink was off.

Guide to Modern Smelting Processes

Early smelting furnaces were simple clay structures fired with wood or charcoal. The Iron Age and Ferrous Metallurgy: Around 1200 BCE, humanity entered the Iron Age, a period defined by the mastery of iron smelting. Iron, being more abundant than copper and tin, held the promise of widespread accessibility. ...


Asarco is reportedly preparing to spend $110 million to upgrade its long-troubled Hayden smelter to meet tougher federal controls on its emissions. Asarco proposes to cut its SO2 emissions by nearly 85 percent by October …

The Asarco Tacoma Smelter Superfund Projects : A Brief …

During the time it operated, the Asarco Smelter used high temperature furnaces to melt the metals away from raw materials. This smelting process resulted in two main types of pollution: Sulfur Dioxide and Contaminated Dust — the smelter stack and other parts of the plant released sulfur dioxide (a gas) and dust particles (containing arsenic ...

American Smelting & Refining Company. Tacoma Smelter …

The American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO) plant located in Tacoma, Washington was originally the Ryan Smelter, a lead-refining company, established by Dennis Ryan in 1887. ... Top of Reverb Furnace (1916, Feb. 19) Folder 11. Tacoma Plant #317: Interior of casting furnace (1916, Feb. 16. Folder 12.

Federal Register :: National Emission Standards for …

Two of the facilities (Asarco and Kennecott) use flash smelting furnaces (the INCO smelting furnace and the Outotec®, respectively). Flash smelting furnaces consist of blowing fine, dried copper sulfide concentrate and silica flux with air, oxygen-enriched air or oxygen into a hot hearth-type furnace.


Developed in the 1980s the Asarco shaft furnace, an efficient copper melting furnace and reatrol technology to improve current efficiency and cathode quality. Exploration and development of …

A Toxic Century: Mining Giant Asarco Must Clean Up Mess

The American Smelting and Refining Company, known as Asarco, will pay a record $1.79 billion to settle claims for hazardous waste pollution at 80 sites in as many as 20 states.


In 1948 slag fuming facilitators were built for the recovery of zinc from the slag produced by the lead furnaces, and in 1951 ASARCO built a 612-foot smokestack to reduce ground-level concentrations of sulfur dioxide.

Federal Register :: National Emission Standards for …

The Asarco facility uses an INCO brand flash smelting furnace. Flash smelting furnaces consist of blowing fine, dried copper sulfide concentrate and silica flux with air, oxygen-enriched air or oxygen into a hot hearth-type furnace.

Federal Register :: National Emission Standards for …

If the standard was based on total emissions from smelting furnaces, we estimate Freeport would need to achieve 80 percent reduction ( e.g., from 0.626 to 0.12 tpy, (print page 1634) which is the target level described above for the Asarco smelting furnace). To achieve this level of additional reductions of process fugitive emissions, we assume ...

Murray Smelting

The Woodhall Brothers built the first furnace on State Street by Big Cottonwood Creek June 1870. In 1871 the Germania Refinery & Wasatch Smelter were erected west of State Street on opposite sides of Little Cottonwood Creek. ... (ASARCO) bought many of Murray's smelters as part of its efforts to consolidate the smelting industry in Murray ...

Asarco: The end of an era

In five years, chances are the only above-ground legacy left from more than 100 years of lead smelting in East Helena will be Asarco's water treatment plant and the slag

ASARCO American Smelting & Refining | Asbestos Trust

Founded in 1887, The American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO) grew to encompass mining, smelting, and refining operations until it became a subsidiary of Grupo Mexico in 1999. In 2005, ASARCO filed for bankruptcy protection, and in 2009, the ASARCO Asbestos Personal Injury Settlement Trust was created as part of the ASARCO Chapter 11 …

Cadmium Emissions From Primary Lead and Primary Copper Smelting Phase …

Two smelters have slag fuming furnaces for zinc recovery: ASARCO- £ast Helena, and ASARCO-E1 Paso. Neither has operated the furnace since 1982. ... AZ Kennecott Copper, Hurley, NM Source Main stack 'smelting furnace) Calcine slag matte tapping Combined area fugitives Converter fugitives Cu unloading stack Cu transfer stack Cu bedding bldg ...

Site Profile

The smelter reportedly operated eight blast furnaces, two calcining furnaces, one fusing furnace and 20 kilns. The Colorado Smelting Company was merged into the American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO) in 1899 and closed in 1908. Some of the slag was used as ballast for the railroad track constructed between Florence and Canon City.

Superfund Alternative Site | ASARCO Hayden Plant | ADEQ

EPA Superfund Alternative Site Designation:EPA #: AZD008397127The site is currently administered through an Administrative Settlement Agreement and Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ASARCO and ADEQ. Site contamination is caused by historical mining operations including smelting and ongoing …