Construction aggregates: evaluation and specification

Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) – this is the measurement of the resistance of aggregate to crushing by compressive force. A test specimen (10-14mm) is compressed (up to 400 kN) and the proportion of material passing 2.36 mm is the ACV (mean value of two tests). The higher the value the weaker the aggregate.

Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) Test | 2024

Conclusion: The ACV test is an essential tool for evaluating the strength and durability of aggregates. This article will summarize the main points of the blog post, highlighting the significance of the ACV test in civil engineering applications. ... The aggregate crushing value test is a valuable tool for assessing soil stability and its ...

(PDF) A new practical method for determining …

In conclusion, despite having used aggregates from ... primarily the aggregate crushing value (ACV) (BS 812-110:1990) test. A new index, the aggregate crushing potential (ACP), is proposed for the ...

7.7 Aggregate Crushing Value and 10% Fines Value …

Report the mean as the Aggregate Crushing Value, unless the individual results differ by more than 0.07 times the mean value. In this case repeat the test on ... a mass of material to determine the aggregate 10% fines value. b) Test specimen in a dry condition (i) Sieve the entire dried test portion on the 14 mm and the 10 mm test sieve to ...

Aggregate Impact Value Test | Impact Test Of Aggregate | Impact Value

Read More: Aggregate Crushing Value Test – Procedure and Result. Objectives of Impact Value Test. This method of test is used to measure the impact value of aggregate use in the construction of Highway pavement and concrete structures. Reference:-Aggregate impact value test IS Code is 2386 (Part 4) – 1963 PDF. Test Apparatus

Testing and Evaluation of Hard Sandstone Aggregate in Hot …

Aggregate Crushing Test. The aggregate crushing value of the coarse aggregate is the relative resistance of the aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. First, coarse aggregates with particle sizes of 9.5–13.2 mm were selected after being dried in an oven. ... Conclusions. In this study, the hard sandstone aggregate ...

Evaluating the crushing characteristics of recycled construction and

The aggregate crushing value test followed the procedure in BS 812–110: 1990 (British Standards Institute, 1990), which is consistent with the Chinese test methods of aggregates for highway engineering, JTG E42-2005, (RIOH, 2005). The tested particle is also selected with a similar round shape, while the particle size is controlled as 9.8 ...

Aggregate Impact Value Test as per IS 2386 (Part-IV) 1993

The apparatus as per IS 2386 (Part-IV) 1993 consist of,. Impact Testing Machine : A testing machine weighing 45 to 60 Kg and having a metal base with a heavy lower surface of not less than 30 centimetre in diameter. It is supported on plane and level concrete floor of minimum 45 cm thickness. The machine should have provision for fixing its base.


Due to movement of vehicles on the road the aggregates are subjected to impact resulting in their breaking down into smaller pieces. The aggregates should therefore have sufficient toughness …

Prediction of Aggregate Impact Values and Aggregate Crushing Values

The aggregate crushing value test is normally carried out on aggregates between 10 mm and 12.5 mm in scale. In this test, a specified quantity of oven-dried aggregates (about 500g) that have been sieved between 10 mm and 12.5 mm Indian Standard sieves, is placed in a 7.5 cm diameter cylindrical steel mould in three layers of approximately equal ...

Crushing Value Test for Coarser Aggregates Guide

What is the crushing value test for coarser aggregates? Why is the aggregate crushing value procedure important? How does the crushing value affect coarser aggregates? …

Test result of aggregate crushing value

Test result of aggregate crushing value. ... In conclusion, the use of SMS as fine aggregates up to 12.5% is a viable mix design strategy for producing sustainable lightweight mortar with a lower ...


AGGREGATE CRUSHING VALUE TEST Objective: To determine crushing strength of given aggregate sample IS Standards used: IS-2386 Part- 4 and BS: 2009 Need and scope: This is one of the major mechanical properties required in a road stone. The test evaluates the

Abrasion Test Of Aggregate: Procedure, Result & IS Code …

Abrasion Test is the measure of aggregate toughness and abrasion resistance such as crushing, degradation and disintegration. This test is suggested by AASHTO T 96 or ASTM C 131: Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in Los Angeles Machine.

Crushing Value Test for Coarser Aggregates Guide

Conclusion. The crushing value test for coarser aggregates is key in checking the quality of construction materials. It shows if these materials can handle the stress of being used in buildings. ... Knowing how to do the aggregate crushing value test helps experts choose the right materials. These materials must withstand loads and stresses for ...


Aggregate impact value test also gives an indirect indication of the strength characteristics of aggregate. Aggregate impact value of a sample also depends on the shape factors such as flakiness index and elongation index of the aggregates. It has been found that for majority of aggregates, the aggregate crushing value and aggregate impact ...

Aggregate Crushing Value Test

Why do the Aggregate Crushing Value Test? Aggregate crushing value test is done the find the actual crushing value of aggregate. We Need to carry out this test, To find out how much resistance does the aggregate has against the …

Aggregate Crushing Value Test

How to perform Aggregate crushing value test? Apparatus required. IS sieves of sizes 12.5 mm, 10.5 mm, and 2.36mm. Steel cylinder with open end and dimension of 15.2 cm internal diameter. A plunger that would fit the steel cylinder. Square base plate;


Aggregate Crushing Value = (B/A) X 100 Where A = weight of oven-dried sample B = weight in 'g' of fraction passing through 2.36 mm IS sieve. 6. Results The mean of the two results shall be reported 7. Video Aggregate Crushing Value Test 8. Download Download PDF

Correlating Aggregate Friction Test Results Under …

The aggregate crushing value test (ACV, BS 812-Part-110) is one of the test methods for determining the crushing resistance of the aggregates. ... 5 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations. Several laboratory friction and crushing tests were conducted on 25 different coarse aggregate sources (aggregates passing 12.5 mm retained on 9.5 mm ...


The 10 per cent Fines Aggregate Crushing Value is the force in kN required to crush a sample of -13,2+9,5mm aggregate so that 10 per cent of the total test sample will pass a 2, ... as the 10 % FACT value of the aggregate. 3.2 Wet test a) After the 24 h soaking, take a specimen out of the water, allow to drain for about 5 min, ...

Mechanical Properties of Coarse Aggregates for Concrete

IS: 2386 2016 Method of Test for Aggregates for Concrete part IV Mechanical properties (Aggregate Crushing value) (The 'aggregate crushing value' gives a relative measure of the resistance of an aggregate to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. With aggregate of 'aggregate crushing value' 30 or higher, the result may be ...

Concrete & Highway Engineering Lab Manual

getting reproducible results. On the contrary, the aggregate crushing test is simple, rapid and gives fairly consistent results. Application of Aggregate Crushing Test: The aggregate crushing value is an indirect measure of crushing strength of the aggregates. Low aggregate crushing value indicates strong aggregates, as the crushed fraction is low.

Aggregate Crushing Value Calculator, Test on course and Fine Aggregate

The aggregate crushing value provides a relative measure of resistance to crushing under a gradually applied compressive load. To achieve a high quality of pavement, aggregates possessing low aggregate crushing value should be preferred. ... Table: Details of Aggregate Crushing Test for Non-Standard Sizes of Aggregates. Sr. Niminal Sizes(IS ...

Crushing Characteristics of Coarse Aggregates for …

The crushing characteristics of coarse aggregates for asphalt concrete were investigated under static and dynamic aggregate crushing value tests (ACVTs). The effect of various compaction loads was also examined by …

(DOC) Aggregate crushing value Test Lab Report

Crushing test and Impact test are very important to estimate strength and toughness characteristics of the road aggregate. Extensive experimental procedures and different sets of equipment are required for these types of …

7 Aggregate Test: Method & Procedure

Aggregate Crushing value test IS Code is 2386-4 (1963): Methods of Test for Aggregates for Concrete. Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus. Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus . A 15 cm dia. Steel cylinder with the plunger and base plate. A straight metal tamping rod 16mm in diameter and 45 to 60 cm long rounded at one end.


Then crushed aggregates are then sieved through 2.36 mm sieve and weight of passing material (W2) is expressed as percentage of the weight of the total sample (W1) which is the aggregate crushing value. Aggregate …


This test, prescribed by BS 812: Part 110:1990, assesses the resistance of an aggregate to crushing, indicating its ability to withstand compressive loads.

Aggregate Crushing Value Test

Aggregate crushing value is defined as the percentage by weight of the crushed (or finer) material obtained when the test aggregates are subjected to a specified load under …

Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) test

Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) test is a vital tool in determining the strength of aggregates for construction purposes. It provides a relative measure of the resistance of an …