Bleeding, flowabilities, rheology, mechanical properties and …

This is mainly because the tailings contain a high gypsum content (Table 4). The contents of gypsum in the tailings with different sulphur contents, S30.7, S24.7, and S20.7 are …

Toward sustainable remediation of oil sands fine Tailings …

Table 1 summarizes the common characteristics of tailings deposits. Table 1. Some characteristics of oil sands tailings (Dhadli et al., 2012). ... (CT) are produced by combining fluid fine tailings with a coagulant (e.g., gypsum, CO 2 or alum) and coarse sands at an optimal average sand-to-fine ratio (SFR) ...

Flotation separation of quartz from gypsum using benzyl …

Mineral samples used were gypsum (Zaozhuang Xianglin Gypsum Powder Company, China) and quartz (Shijiazhuang Chuangwei Mining Company, China). The two mineral samples were crushed, ground and sieved to −74.0 + 38.0 μm and analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF), as shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1. The …

(PDF) Applications of Recycled Gypsum from …

A combination of ordinary Portland cement, recycled gypsum, fly ash or perlite, and slag was proposed as the most appropriate cementitious concrete composite. Estimated cost of mix designs

Open Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference …

bioremediation system of iron mine tailing by Robinia pseudoacacia - Ryegrass - Trifolium repens Xiaoyu Zhou, Yihao Liu, Zuyu Wang et al. ... methods used are according to the Chinese professional standard α-high strength gypsum. Table 3 Mechanical properties of α-high strength gypsum α-gypsum /g Water requierment Initial setting time /min ...

Utilization of high-volume mine tailing and by-products in …

This study was designed to investigate the hardened performance of the paste specimens produced using a composite binder with high volumes of mine tailings incorporating various by-products. Mine tailing and fly ash (FA) content was tested at 40%, 50%, and 60% of total paste volume, and tailing pastes were produced at w/b ratios of 0.12, 0.16, and 0.2. To …

Utilization of low-quality desulfurized ash from semi-dry …

It can be seen from the Table 3 that desulfurized ash alters the Zeta electrical potential of α-hemihydrate gypsum. Zeta electrical potential of hemihydrate gypsum without desulfurized ash is 4.1 mV, and their electrical potentials of hemihydrate gypsums with 8%, 16%, 24%, 32% and 40% desulfurized ash are 3.6, 3.4, 2.8, 2.1 and 0.9 mV ...

Open Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference …

In this paper, the gypsum-based self-leveling mortar is prepared using FGD gypsum-based α-hemihydrate and molybdenum tailings as the binder and aggregate …

Effect of gypsum on the properties of composite binder containing high

Table. 1 and Fig. 1 show the chemical compositions and the particle size distributions of the raw materials, respectively. The morphology of iron tailing powder, slag and gypsum are shown in Fig. 2. It is clear that the fine particles are the most abundant in iron tailing

How Raw and Gypsum Modified Bauxite Residues Affect …

The gypsum application efficiently reduced the phytotoxic effect of the residues, but significant negative effects on the different variables were still recorded. ... two major approaches for tailing management have been explored: (i) capping methods, ... Table 1 Physico-chemical characteristics, total, and DTPA-extractable element ...

Gypsum Amendment Induced Rapid Pyritization in Fe …

Mine tailings containing trace metals arrived at the Doce River estuary, after the world's largest mine tailings disaster (the Mariana disaster) dumped approximately 50 million m3 of Fe-rich tailings into the Doce River Basin. The metals in the tailings are of concern because they present a bioavailability risk in the estuary as well as chronic exposure hazards. Trace …


In this study, the effects of electrokinetics on tailings from a mine site in Saskatchewan, Canada, are investigated. The tailings contain mainly gypsum, quartz and clay minerals. At first the …

Hydration kinetics of a calcination activated bauxite tailings-lime

The major chemical compositions of the bauxite tailings, lime and gypsum are showed in Table 1. XRD patterns of calcined activated tailings are given in Fig. 1. The particle size distribution of. ... Bauxite tailing can provide gas-generating components related to the initial voids. Silica fume can promote the generation of the liquid phase ...

Mineralogical Examination of Gold Processing Plant Tailings

Calcite, chlorite, dolomite and gypsum in greater quantities are in the tailings of primary ores, in a smaller quantity—in the tailings of oxidized ores (Table 1). The chemical composition of the samples studied is given in Table 2. Gypsum is a newly formed phase, which is …

A critical review on environmental implications, recycling strategies

The mineralogical transformation of Ca-bearing carbonates to gypsum by consuming H + occurs by the following reaction ... The geochemical properties of AMD vary with tailing types. Table 1 summarizes the recent case studies regarding the geochemical characteristics of AMD in metal mines worldwide.

The Preparation Process and Hydration Mechanism of Steel …

Industrial solid wastes (including steel slag, desulphurised gypsum, desulphurised ash and ultra-fine tailing) were used to develop a new filler with a 28-day strength of 1.24 MPa. We believe …

XRD pattern of the tailing waste (Chl clinochlore, Ms …

Download scientific diagram | XRD pattern of the tailing waste (Chl clinochlore, Ms muscovite, Gp gypsum, Kln kaolinite, Fht ferrihydrite, Cct chalcanthite, Qtz quartz, Rst ramsbeckite, Py pyrite ...


LN GQ mines rock gypsum on the property and sells the gypsum for use in the cement and agriculture industries. LNGQ's placer claims were located to accommodate the extraction of gypsum from the Miocene Muddy Creek Formation. At this location the Muddy Creek Formation is unique, with a gypsum (CaSO4+2H20) content averaging


Results indicate that the addition of recycled gypsum and CKD improved the mechanical properties of stabilized MT compared to untreated MT. Both strength and stiffness of the …

Design of an eco-friendly composite gypsum binder using …

The effect of addition of mineral admixtures and industrial by-products on the properties of gypsum based composite binder is summarised in Table 2.The setting time and density values of gypsum samples containing mineral admixture substituted at various percentage is shown in Figs. 3 and 4.The substituted mineral admixture showed positive influence over …

Mining Tailing Stabilization Using Waste Materials …

indicate that both recycled gypsum and CKD has a potential to be used in MT stabilization. This application supports. and eliminates the cost of waste disposal. Keywords: - Waste; Gypsum,...

Uptake and speciation of uranium in synthetic gypsum …

Moreover, gypsum is the dominant secondary mineral in diverse types of mine tailings, stemming from the use of sulfuric acid in the extraction processes of various mineral deposits (Jamieson, 2011 ...

Properties and Microstructural Characteristics of …

gypsum introduced by MTS and C3A in cement undergoes a hydration reaction to form ettringite, which decreases the number of pores with a diameter less than 0.1 mm and promotes strength development ...

Frequent Questions about the Beneficial Use of Coal Ash

As of 2012, according to the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA) data, approximately 50 percent of the CCRs beneficially used on an annual basis falls into two categories: 1) fly ash used as a direct substitute for Portland cement during the production of concrete (referred to as "fly ash concrete"); and 2) FGD gypsum used as a replacement for …

The Preparation Process and Hydration …

Steel slag, desulphurised ash, desulphurised gypsum and ultra-fine iron tailing sand are common industrial solid wastes with low utilisation rates. Herein, industrial solid wastes (steel slag, desulphurised gypsum and desulphurised …

Disposal of mine tailings via geopolymerization

Geopolymerization is a promising technique for mine tailings disposal. Lower strength was noticed using mine tailings as a single precursor. Pretreatment could effectively …

Recycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings: A Review of …

Mining is an important industry, accounting for 6.9% of global GDP. However, global development promotes accelerated demand, resulting in the accumulation of hazardous waste in land, sea, and air ...

(PDF) Recycling strategies of mine tailing, and its technical …

This review paper critically explores available literature on the main techniques of mining tailing recycling, and discusses leading recycling technologies, including the benefits and limitations ...

Chapter 5 Tailings Solids and Porewaters

Solid phase concentrations of Ba, Zn, Co, Ni and Sr for all tailing types are either near or less than the background ranges observed for crustal rocks (Table 5.5). Uranium, Cu and Pb, however, …

Optimal Backfilling Materials with High Compressive …

Backfilling material such as tailing (mine wastes) mixing with cement or gypsum has grown throughout the world's underground mines. However, despite their growing popularity, the typical hydraulic and mechanical fill types utilized in many mines still exist. Deep underground mining has increased due to the lack of commercial minerals nearby. Mine wastes were …

Experimental Study on the Fine Iron Ore Tailing Containing …

In this paper, the rheological test was conducted to determine the slurry concentration of iron ore tailing containing gypsum. Then, the samples made from slurry and …

Recent practices in mine tailings' recycling and reuse

Table 13.1 presents a summary of diverse characteristics of these principal backfill types ... cement, gypsum, fillers, and aggregates), the most sustainable and environmentally friendly usage of tailings is devoted to this industry. The future trends of mine tailings' recycling and reuse should relate to technological innovation development ...

A Study on the Mechanical Properties and Hydration Process …

Paste backfill prepared with ultrafine tailings often faces difficulties in meeting engineering requirements. To address the challenge of using ultrafine tailings, this work utilized a slag cemented ultrafine tailings paste backfill (SCUPB) composed of slag, Portland cement, and desulfurized gypsum as the cementitious materials, with a binder–tailing ratio of 1:4 and a …

Recycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings: A Review of …

Mining is an important industry, accounting for 6.9% of global GDP. However, global development promotes accelerated demand, resulting in the accumulation of hazardous waste in land, sea, and air environments. It …

The Preparation Process and Hydration Mechanism of …

Herein, the synergistic effects of four solid wastes, i.e., ultra-fine tailing sand, steel slag, desulphurised ash and desulphurised gypsum, were investigated. The orthogonal-test method was used to investigate the relation between the strength of the filler and different cementitious material ratios, the amount of tailing sand and admixtures.

Mining Tailing Stabilization Using Waste Materials

The suggested contents and ratios for the gypsum-cement and gypsum-lime admixtures used in this study are safe against the emission of hydrogen sulfide because their measurements were found to be ...

Turning mine-tailing streams into sources of water and …

The discharge of wastewater from the mining industry has a critical ecological impact, potentially endangering both soil and marine ecosystems. Alternatively, recovering pure water and valuable ...

Properties and Microstructural Characteristics of Manganese Tailing …

The cement used in this study was P·O 42.5 ordinary Portland cement. The main properties and chemical compositions of cement are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. River sand (RS) was purchased from a sand plant in Changsha, Hunan province. The relevant physical properties are shown in Table 3, and the gradation curve is shown in ...