Progressive Investigation on Utilisation of Steel Slag and Silica …

The best way to substitute crushed stone with Prism Nigeria Slag (PNS) in the process of making concrete was investigated in this investigation with respect to the effect of water-cement ratios. Crushed stone was substituted by PNS by 0, 40, 50, and 60%. It was determined to utilise a 1:2:4 mix ratio with a water content of 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7.


Concrete is among the world's most consumed materials—second only to water. 1 That's because its durability, affordability, and availability make it essential to countless construction projects, from bridges, to roads, to buildings. Since concrete is used on such a large scale, it also produces large amounts of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, mostly from a …

(PDF) Microstructural Analysis of Silica Fume Concrete with …

The partial replacement or alternate of silica fume and its effects on concrete properties using M-35 concrete mix has been studied in this paper. The most important parameter accessed in M-35 concrete mix with partial replacement by silica fume with varying 0%, 5%, 9%, 12% and 15% by weight of cement.

The Effect of Incorporating Silica Stone Waste on the …

This paper, for the first time, studies the effects of silica stone waste (SSW) powder on concrete. The cement of concrete was replaced with 5, 10, 15, and 20% of the SSW powder.

The Dangers of Silica Dust | American Lung Association

Silica is the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust. Unfortunately, breathing in silica dust caused by chipping, cutting, drilling, or grinding soil, granite, slate, sandstone or other natural materials can lead to chronic lung disease. ... granite, slate, sandstone or other natural materials can lead to chronic lung disease. Skip to ...

Cancer and construction: Silica

Silica is a natural substance found in varying amounts in most rocks, sand and clay. For example, sandstone contains more than 70% silica, whereas granite might contain 15-30%. Silica is also a major constituent of construction materials such as bricks, tiles, concrete and mortar.

A Review on Alkali-Silica Reaction Evolution in Recycled Aggregate Concrete

Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) is one of the major degradation causes of concrete. This highly deleterious reaction has aroused the attention of researchers, in order to develop methodologies for its prevention and mitigation, but despite the efforts made, there is still no efficient cure to control its expansive consequences. The incorporation of recycled aggregates …

(PDF) Impact of Replacement of Coarse Aggregates with …

Concrete is one of the major building materials use in modern day construction. It is a composite construction material composed of cement and other cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag ...

Crystalline Silica

concrete, brick, mortar, ceramic tile, ceramic sanitary ware (toilets), shingles and other items that are used in the construction of all homes. It is in the asphalt or concrete used to pave roads, the concrete to make sidewalks, airport taxiways and runways, the crushed stone upon which railroad ties and track are placed, and the other

Silica's Impact on Concrete Properties in Civil …

Due to its significantly large specific surface area compared to the particle surface area of the primary matrix in the concrete mix, the high silica content determines its reactivity compared to other potential additives like ash, …

Environmental impact of concrete containing high volume …

Concrete is the most widely used construction material due to its wide range of applications, and the current global concrete consumption has reached approximately 15 billion tonnes (Serres et al., 2016; Valipour et al., 2014).Concrete production has a significant environmental impact due to high energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, …

Response tests on the effects of particle size of waste glass …

Test materials and specimen preparation Test materials. The cement used in the experiments was Conch Brand P·O 42.5 ordinary Portland cement, with its main chemical components listed in Table 1 ...

Characterization of Crushed Natural Stone Aggregates

Characterization of Crushed Natural Stone Aggregates. Journal of Innovations in Civil Engineering and Technology (JICIVILTEC H), 3(2), 55 - 77 . Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article

6: Specific Gravity Test on Crushed Stone

Download scientific diagram | 6: Specific Gravity Test on Crushed Stone from publication: Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Broken Ceramic Tiles in Concrete Production | The study ...

A step towards sustainable glass fiber reinforced concrete …

For the control sample, we went for M20 grade concrete in which there were no CS aggregates, glass fibers, and silica fume. The complete mix design can be seen in Table 6.Crushed stone coarse ...

Experimentation on triple-blended concrete with …

Concrete has become a versatile material by adapting itself to user needs, from pavers to skyscrapers. Escalated demand for concrete is the prime reason for the exploitation of resources and increased carbon emissions. This research focuses on reducing the environmental impact of cement manufacturing by partly replacing cement with 40% ground granulated blast …

Effects of crushed stone waste as fine aggregate on mortar …

In this study, effects of crushed stone waste from Katunun's quarry as fine aggregate on mortar and concrete properties will be examined. Samples with varying crushed …

The effects of limestone aggregate on concrete properties

Some of these benefits include good strength, low possibility of alkali-silica reaction and the decrease in drying shrinkage in concrete. This research discusses the consumption …


Even recycled concrete can be crushed into aggregate that can be reused in the concrete mix, though the irregular surface of aggregate so produced is less effective that sand or crushed stone ...

The effects of limestone aggregate on concrete properties

It was noted that these properties were much higher in the presence of crushed limestone sand compared to silica sand in the concrete.The optimal percentage of river sand substitution by crushed ...

Effect of varying silica-limestone sand fines on the physical

The obtained results revealed that concrete based on silica-limestone sand and containing 14% of the same type of fines strongly improves the different mechanical strengths …

Impact of crushed limestone dust on concrete's properties

This paper, for the first time, studies the effects of silica stone waste (SSW) powder on concrete. The cement of concrete was replaced with 5, 10, 15, and 20% of the SSW powder. The …

Enhancing Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of …

ratio of 1:2, with a 4% NA content; group N0-NAC consists of a NAC mixture devoid of fiber, with a 0% NA content. Mixing of specimens To account for the water absorption characteristics of crushed stone, the crushed aggregate underwent a specific treatment. It was immersed in additional water for a duration of 12 h.

Evaluation of the optimal concrete mix design with coconut …

Concrete with silica fume as a SCM shows higher compressive strength after 56 days despite delaying the ... the weight of concrete increases with increasing the CSA content. Due to the overall impact, concrete density could increase or decrease with the CSA content. ... Crushed stone construction aggregate products, Oslo and Baerum [27] Norway ...

Smart materials and technologies for sustainable concrete …

Concrete is a sustainable and versatile construction material which can produce structures that last for thousands of years. Due to the many areas of application, concrete is the second most consumed material on Earth, only after water, with a global production of around 4.1 billion tons of cement in 2021 (Statista, 2023), and an annual concrete consumption about 7 …

Sustainable valorisation of sand concrete properties using …

This study explores the possibility of reusing quarry waste in the form of powdered sand to produce environmentally friendly sand concrete, with a focus on addressing environmental sustainability. The investigation comprised the preparation of five concrete mixtures with differing limestone sand ratios: 0%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%. To evaluate the impact of …

Concrete containing recycled concrete coarse …

Glass aggregates in concrete are highly alkali reactive due to their high amorphous silica content. 9, 10 The ASR gel is created when a high level of alkalinity in the concrete comes into contact with the glass aggregate. 11 The …

The Impact of Particle Packing Techniques on Concrete and …

An optimized mix design using 14 mm and 7mm crushed stone, coarse and fine sand, cement, flyash and water. ... % classified fine flyash, 16.7 % milled flyash (D50 = 4.5 micron), 8.7 % silica fume ...