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In various engineering projects such as mineral extraction, hydropower resource utilization, railway construction, and geological hazard mitigation, rock engineering is often encountered.
The efficient use of water resources in arid region has become highly relevant in the evaluation and mining planning, since the exploration phase to closure. The objective of the numerical groundwater model was to assess the potential for groundwater extraction to meet mine water demand from one of the driest area in the world. Numerical groundwater models were …
The majority of the longwall panels in India have been worked underneath massive sandstone main roof with soft coal/shale immediate roof. As the mining goes deeper, ensuring stability and consistent production from such workings is a great challenge for their safety and sustainable performance.
Provided in the following text are the results of the first phase of a three-year project launched by the NSC to benchmark and improve the environmental profile of the natural stone industry. …
DOI: 10.1016/j.2023.03.034 Corpus ID: 258287254; Reformability evaluation of blasting-enhanced permeability in in situ leaching mining of low-permeability sandstone-type uranium deposits
Offshore oil and gas resources constitute approximately one-third of the global supply, thus making them an essential alternative energy source (Pinder 2001).The exploration of offshore oil and gas necessitates substantial investment, with accurate and efficient evaluation of physical parameters and reservoir classification playing a crucial role in determining …
Water physical property test Water absorption. The water absorption test was performed on the unmined sandstone using the free immersion method; the mining sandstone was subjected to 0, 1, 5, and ...
Mineralization processes leading to the formation of economic deposits within sedimentary basins require the assessment of the main components defining sandstone uranium mineral systems (Wyborn...
The Oroya Mine in particular produced 220,000oz @ 16.5g/t Au from underground mining between 1904-1920 and a further 25,000oz @ 2.3g/t Au from open pit mining from 1994 1995 when the gold price was US$384/oz. The CEO's view is that there is significant potential to extend the known mineralisation along strike further to the north and north-west.
Evaluation of 2152 geological data points and modeling ... Three underground seismic sensors placed in the sandstone just above mine level were incorporated into an existing network of seven sensors already operating at surface loca-tions surrounding the activity of a longwall mine. Diculty
The study of sandstone dilation characteristics under actual mining and excavation conditions promotes the safe and efficient development of underground engineering. Accordingly, this study employs true-triaxial testing to reveal the influence of intermediate principal stress and unloading action in the minimum principal stress directions on rock dilation. In the stress–strain …
In 2016, a 3.7-ML magnitude event caused by mining activity occurred at a longwall mine in southwestern ia which was recorded by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) …
Analysis and evaluation of aquifer water yield property is the premise of water bursting forecast and controlling. The factors influencing aquifer water yield property are numerous and complicated. Taking Yongan Coal Mine Sandstone aquifer III as an example, this study utilizes five common factors or parameters that contribute to aquifer water ...
Tight sandstone reservoirs are a primary focus of research on the geological exploration of petroleum. However, many reservoir classification criteria are of limited applicability due to the ...
To establish a more accurate roof water abundance evaluation model and mitigate the difficulties in roof water abundance prediction and evaluation in the coal mine production process, the 2101 working face of the Yingpanhao coal mine was studied. Combined with the hydrogeological characteristics and drilling data of the study area and based on the lithology …
able for estimating sandstone TC. 2 Review on eight two-phase TC models and their backgrounds 2.1 Brief review on eight TC models for sandstone Sandstone is a sedimentary rock composed of many types of mineral particles; therefore, its TC is affected mainly by the mineral composition, pore structure, and other parameters.
Mining The St. Peter Sandstone was first mined in Missouri in the 1870s for glass sand. Early mining was conducted at the surface and underground, and was ... St. Peter Sandstone Mineral Resource Evaluation, Missouri, USA 5 isochore map with contours illustrating the drill thickness of the formation at 50-foot intervals. The
The stress-induced microcrack evolution in rock specimens causes a series of physical changes and heterogeneous deformations. Some of these attributes (such as sound, electricity, heat, etc.) have ...
The article discusses the possibility of analysing, in geomechanical terms, the applicability of the extension strain criterion to assessing the fracture and failure process of sandstone samples. The results of laboratory tests of indirect tension, as well as uniaxial and triaxial compression were used to identify various forms of the criterion. The criterion …
From this information, it was found that overburden thickness, sandstone thickness, and sandstone quality contributed greatly to seismic locations. After analyzing the data, a …
The Wangjialing Mine in southern Shanxi Province is seriously threatened by roof water and is infamous for a water inrush disaster that happened there in 2010. A root-cause-analysis was conducted. Three key issues, the height of the mining-induced fractured zone in formations overlying the coal seam, the water yield of aquifers overlying the coal seam, and …
Swamps on Sandstone: evaluation of mitigation and remediation techniques . This report was commissioned by the Department of the Environment on the advice of the Interim Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Coal Mining and prepared by Water Research Laboratory, School of
Request PDF | On Apr 1, 2023, Wei Wang and others published Reformability evaluation of blasting-enhanced permeability in in situ leaching mining of low-permeability sandstone-type uranium ...
A nearly 305-m- (1,000-ft-) wide sandstone channel was projected to run through the mid panel area of a 457-m- (1,500-ft-) wide longwall panel in a southwestern Pennsylvania coal mine. This sandstone channel was known to cause serious longwall-face roof control problems in the mine's B-panel area in 1998 and 1999; and most recently, it ...
Characterization and evaluation of brittleness of deep bedded sandstone from the perspective of the whole life-cycle evolution process Zhixiang Songa, Junwen Zhanga,⇑, Yang Zhanga, Xukai Donga ...
The Kelley mine has an anomalously warm temperature (̃35°C), and some of the excess heat in this mine shaft may have come from pyrite oxidation, a highly exothermic reaction.
Evaluation of seismic potential in a longwall mine with massive sandstone roof under deep overburden. Mark A. Van Dyke, a, * Wen H. Su, a and Joe Wickline b ... Mining-induced seismicity has a long history in coal mining and has been tracked since the 1920s in Europe . Although many subsequent research efforts have been performed in various ...
A uniaxial compression experiment was conducted on standard sandstone specimens to explore the sandstone's mutation characteristics and early warning interval during deformation and failure. Meanwhile, acoustic emission (AE) and digital image correlation (DIC) techniques were introduced to realize multi-field analysis and cross-validation from the stress …
This study used life cycle assessment (LCA) tool to evaluate the overall impact of artisanal sandstone mining (ASAM) on the environment and human health. The impact …
By establishing a robust evaluation methodology, this classification method facilitates exploration potential assessment and development strategy optimization within the …
Fracability evaluation is the basis of reservoir fracturing and fracturing zone optimization. The tight sandstone reservoir is characterized by low porosity and low permeability, which requires hydraulic fracturing to improve …