Transformation of igneous quartz to high-purity …

Quartz in syntectonic abyssal pegmatites has been studied by LA-ICP-MS, SEM-CL and optical petrography in order to constrain processes generating high-purity quartz (HPQ), i.e. quartz with very low trace element contents. The presence of HPQ in pegmatites that normally contain igneous quartz with high trace element contents is poorly understood.

High Purity Quartz

Sibelco's IOTA high purity quartz sands are used to produce fused quartz, a material with unique optical, mechanical and thermal properties, which make it indispensable in the manufacture of a wide range of high-tech products.

Granite pegmatite quartz from Evje-Iveland: trace …

RUNE B. LARSEN, MIREILLE POLV É & GUNNAR JUVE NGU-BULL 436, 2000 - PAGE 57 Granite pegmatite quartz from Evje-Iveland: trace element chemistry and implications for the formation of high-purity quartz

High-purity quartz mineralisation in kyanite quartzites, …

ARTICLE High-purity quartz mineralisation in kyanite quartzites, Norway Axel Müller & Peter M. Ihlen & Jan Egil Wanvik & Belinda Flem Received: 29 September 2006 /Accepted: 11 January 2007 ...

Diversity of the quartz chemistry of NYF- and LCT-type …

Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim and Natural History Museum of London, UK, e-mail: [email protected] ... concentrations below the upper limits of the high purity quartz definition according ...

Tel.: 47 73 90 40 00 REPORT

ICP-MS) show that quartz from the Nasafjell kyanite quartzite has low concentrations of Al, Ti and Li in comparison to quartz products of other Norwegian deposits. Therefore, kyanite quartzites could be a new type of high purity quartz deposit if the low trace elements observed

Tel.: 47 73 90 40 00 REPORT

Trace elements (Li, B, Be, Na, Al, P, K, Ti, Fe, Ge) of pegmatite quartz were determined in order to classify the quartz into low-, medium- and high-purity quality raw material. Quartz of type (1) to (5) has relative similar chemistry of medium quality.

Silica resources in Norway

NGU-FOCUS No. 1 2007 Norway has large resources of silica, including deposits of quartz sandstone, quartzite, hydrothermal quartz and ... Norwegian Crystallites produces high purity quartz (HPQ) for high-tech applications. Raw materials are mined from quartz pegmatites in the area around the

Research Status and Challenges of High-Purity Quartz …

Quartz deposits are widely dispersed in nature, but the presence of ore bodies capable of yielding high-purity quartz is exceedingly rare. As a result, the effective purification and processing of high-purity quartz from natural siliceous materials has emerged as a prominent area of research within the non-metallic mineral processing field. This article offers an overview of …

Resource, characteristic, purification and application of quartz…

The production process of high-purity quartz requires ore deposit raw materials with high grade, which are usually pegmatite quartz and hydrothermal vein quartz (Platias et al., 2013, Zhang and Chen, 2010a).At present, the global distribution of high-purity quartz raw material deposits is extremely scarce (Larsen et al., 2000).In addition to China, 14 deposits …


Petrological and chemical characterization of high-purity quartz deposits with examples from Norway. Axel Müller, Jan Egil Wanvik, Peter M. Ihlen Geological Survey of Norway (NGU). Concentrations of lattice-bound trace elements in quartz. Müller et al. (2012). Slideshow 3706098 by maia

High Purity Quartz Sand: What Is It Used for and How to …

Method 1: Gravity separation. Due to the difference in density between quartz ore particles and gangue mineral particles, gravity separation equipment such as spiral chutes, and shaking tables are commonly used to separate quartz ore particles. Gravity separation has a certain effect of removing impurities, but it is difficult to meet the production requirements, so it …

High-purity quartz mineralisation in kyanite …

This study presents an evaluation of Norwegian kyanite quartzites from Gullsteinberget, Knøsberget, Kjeksberget, Sormbrua, Tverrådalen, Juovvačorrú and Nasafjellet as potential deposits of...

High-purity quartz mineralisation in kyanite quartzites, …

Miner Deposita (2007) 42:523–535 DOI 10.1007/s00126-007-0124-8 ARTICLE High-purity quartz mineralisation in kyanite quartzites, Norway Axel Müller & Peter M. Ihlen & Jan Egil Wanvik & Belinda Flem Received: 29 September 2006 / Accepted: 11 January 2007 / Published online: 9 February 2007 # Springer-Verlag 2007 Abstract This study presents an evaluation of …

Norwegian kyanite quartzites

Kyanite quartzites are rare fine-grained with 70 to 85 vol. % quartz and > 15 vol. % kyanite (Al2SiO5) which occur in Proterozoic supracrustal rock units. Kyanite quartzites form stratiform …

Norwegian kyanite quartzites

Forkortet:rThis study represents an evaluation of Norwegian kyanite quartzite occurrences as potential deposits of high purity quartz raw material. Kyanite quartzites are rare fine-grained with 70 to 85 vol. % quartz and > 15 vol. % kyanite (Al2SiO5) which occur in …

Market Developments and Industrial Innovative Applications of High

The term high purity quartz refers to quartz with less than 50-ppm associated impurities [1], while silica sands represent a weathered derivative of quartz, mainly composed of quartz grains and ...

Granite pegmatite quartz from Evje-Iveland: trace …

High-purity quartz is common quartz that is characterised by exceptionally low concentrations of elements other than sili-con and oxygen. Untreated, naturally occurring quartz with less than …

High-purity quartz mineralisation in kyanite …

is considered as ' high-purity quartz '. Concentrations of the quartz products Drag NC1, Drag NCA, Iota STD and Iota 8 were analysed by solution ICP-MS (Norwegian

(PDF) Granite pegmatite quartz from Evje-Iveland: …

NGU-BULL 436, 200 0 - PAGE 65 RUNE B ... the effective purification and processing of high-purity quartz from natural siliceous materials has emerged as a prominent area of research within the non ...

NGU Open Archive: Granite pegmatite quartz from Evje …

Previous studies imply that granite pegmatites and hydrothermal quartz veins are the most promising igneous repositories of high-purity quartz. This is because quartz from higher …


Trade data for ground high-purity quartz are included in Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) codes 2505.10.1000 and 2505.10.1050 but are mixed with other types of sand and quartz. A reliable estimate cannot be made. 4.

A review of high-purity quartz for silicon production in …

High-purity quartz (HPQ) is the only naturally occurring and economically viable source for the production of silicon. Silicon is a critical mineral, and a key component in modern technologies such as semiconductors and photovoltaic cells. Critical minerals support the move towards a greater reliance on electrification, renewable energy sources ...

Quartz chemistry fingerprints melt evolution and …

Quartz is the sole ore mineral in this kind of deposit and its trace element geochemistry is of petrogenetic significance, which can be linked to the ore-forming processes (e.g., Monecke et al., 2002, Rusk et al., 2008, Müller et al., 2015, Götze et al., 2021, Gao et al., 2022).However, there have been only a few open documents about the geology and quartz …

Advanced Processing Techniques and Impurity Management for High-Purity

High-purity quartz (HPQ) is a type of pristine quartz with minimal impurity levels, typically exceeding 99.995% SiO 2 content. It is devoid of visually detectable inclusions or cloudiness and possesses minimal lattice-bound impurities, such as Al, Ti, and Fe [1,2].The genesis of quartz deposits is influenced by multifarious factors, culminating in substantial …

Quartz resources in Norway

NGU-surveys have located pegmatites on the Southwest coast of Norway with interesting qualities of high purity quartz. Large hydrothermal quartz veins are present both north and …


Photographs of quartz samples 25 to 27 as they were sent to NGU..... 8. Figure 3. ... microscope image (plane light) of quartz showing a high abundance of fluid inclusions causing brownish-black domains (opaqueness) along healed cracks and grain ... concentrations of the processed high purity products IOTA STD and IOTA 8 produced by UNIMIN are ...

(PDF) Granite pegmatite quartz from Evje-Iveland: …

The purity of the quartz varies depending on the formation of the source rock; quartz that occurs naturally and contains impurities less than 50 ppm is considered high-purity quartz [11]....

Granite pegmatite quartz from Evje-Iveland: trace …

implicationsfor theformation of high-purity quartz. Norgesgeolog iskeundersogelse Bulletin 436, 57-65. Previous studies imply that granite pegmatites and hydrothermal quartz veins are the most promising igneous repositories of high-purity quartz. This is because quartz from higher temperature geological settings (granites,

Critical minerals at Geoscience Australia: National-scale …

High purity quartz has been identified in a variety of silica-rich hard rock sources globally, including pegmatites (Ibrahim et al 2015, Larsen et al 2000, Müller et al, Swanson and Veal 2010), hydrothermal quartz (Afahnwie et al 2022, Wang …

A Critical Review on the Mineralogy and Processing for High-Grade Quartz

High-purity quartz (SiO2) is an important material widely used in many industries, including semiconductor technology, telecommunication, and optics. The content and distribution of impurities in quartz significantly affect the processing methods. This paper provides an insightful review on the processing of high-purity quartz, covering the analytical techniques, …

PAL Quartz – High Purity Quartz

High Purity Quartz, commonly known as HPQ, is naturally characterized by an extremely low concentration of impurities giving an element composed of pure silicon and oxygen. Once reduce to sand size and then purified, it is used by advanced technology industries in numerous applications ... Pal Quartz deposit situated in Canada, in the locality ...

Norwegian kyanite quartzites

NGU-FOCUS No. 5 2007 Focus on Mineral Resources Norwegian kyanite quartzites High purity quartz and aluminium deposits Kyanite quartzites are fine-grained quartzites containing 70 to 85 vol.% quartz (SiO2) and >15 vol.% kyanite (Al2SiO5)mon accessory minerals in kyanite quartzites are rutile, zircon, pyrite and other Fe-Ti-bearing oxides as

NGU Open Archive: Granite pegmatite quartz from Evje …

Therefore, detailed knowledge of a pegmatite field, if combined with quartz analyses from a few carefully selected localities, may drastically reduce the area in which prospecting for high-purity quartz resources is feasible. dc.language.iso: eng: dc.relation.ispartofseries: NGU Bulletin (436) dc.rights: Navngivelse 4.0 Internasjonal: dc.rights.uri


The road runs to the two mines that is the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers. There are no alternative sources known. From Conway's ...

A review of high-purity quartz for silicon …

High-purity quartz (HPQ) is the only naturally occurring and economically viable source for the production of silicon. Silicon is a critical mineral, and a key component in modern technologies such as …

Petrological and Chemical Characterisation of High …

High-purity quartz (HPQ), which is generally defined as quartz containing less than 50 lgg-1 of contaminating elements (Harben 2002; Fig. 4.1), is a valuable commodity used in a wide range of high-technology products. Demand for HPQ is increasing strongly due to the rapid development and expansion of the HPQ-consuming industry.