Make changes to your Approved Inspection Station approval

To add another vehicle as a mobile AIS to your AIS approval: complete the relevant sections of the Approved Inspection Station Scheme Change/Replacement (form F4638) lodge the application with the AIS Administrator (there are no fees for this application). You cannot use the mobile AIS until your application is approved and we have issued you ...

Vehicle inspections (AIS) – Transport Services

Mobile Speed Cameras; New Bridgewater Bridge Project; Office of the Coordinator General; Plates Plus; Private Forests Tasmania; ReCFIT ... The link above is an interactive map that lists all Approved Inspection Stations in Tasmania. To find AIS by service type, use the individual widgets located in the banner, top right. One service type can be ...

Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS)

AIS is included in the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, and large ships began fitting AIS in July 2002. AIS transmits, automatically and at set intervals, dynamic information relating to the ship's course, speed and heading; static information related to the ship's name, length, breadth; and voyage-related detail…

AIS Tester M1

AIS Tester is a professional equipment for surveyors to provide mandatory annual testing of the Class A and Class B AIS mobile stations and AIS-SARTs. AIS Tester is manufactured under standards and recommendations ITU-R M-1371-3, M.1371-5 (02/2014) and IEC 61993-2 and able to operate on AIS Channel 1 (ch87B), AIS Channel 2 (ch88B).

AIS | Automatic Identification System

Very simply, the Automatic Identification System is a broadcast transponder system, operating in the VHF maritime mobile band. It is capable of sending information such as identification, position, course, speed and more, to other …

AIS coverage map

Realtime map of AIS stations, status and ship positions coverage

What is Automatic Identification System (AIS)- Types And …

AIS stations continuously synchronize themselves to avoid overlap of slot transmissions. It's pretty easy to install as well, as AIS is generally integrated with ship bridge systems or multifunctional displays, but installing a standalone system is as straightforward as plugging in a couple of cables and switching on the plug.

AIS Base Station

Class B AIS Mobile. AIS Base Station. AIS Receiver. SAT-AIS Tracking. Anemometer. Ultrasonic Wind Vane and Anemometer ST-1601. BNWAS. Introduction. BN150. KW810. ... VDL 6000/FASS is remotely controlled and also the software can be remotely updated.The system includes one or two f xed AIS stations, each corresponding to a Physical

AIS Coast Station

Reliable real-time track of all vessels at long range. In addition to its exceptional AIS monitoring performance, the Coast Station includes additional functionality such as integrated network intelligence with multi-IP address data streaming, support for both transmission and network encryption, transmission of multiple virtual AIS AtoN and customised broadcast and vessel …


There are numerous AIS devices, known as stations, which are identified by a unique Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)2 and use an international open standard to communicate. AIS stations are designed to operate autonomously (without interaction by …


AIS allows the transfer of ASM via the VHF Data Link (VDL) as a means of communication for external applications as specified in ITU-R M.1371. It will be a form of data exchange between externally connected users of two or more AIS stations. AIS will just function as the carrier of the information, the AIS stations involved act as dedicated modems.


There are numerous AIS devices, known as stations, which are identified by a unique Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI)2 and use an international open standard to communicate. AIS …


Since January 2005, following the award of the European tender, ELMAN has built and installed 63 AIS (Automatic Identification System) base stations in Italy for the General Command of the Italian Port Authority Corps.. This supply, necessary for the realization of the national AIS network, includes over the AIS base stations (mod.ABT-1103), also all the servers and graphic stations …

Aquatic invasive species

Clean, Drain, Dry stations available. WDFW and the Washington Invasive Species Council have partnered to offer Clean, Drain, Dry stations at several boat launches in Eastern Washington, as well as a mobile CD3 unit available for events and fishing tournaments. Learn more about the mobile Clean, Drain, Dry unit or make a reservation.


This standard specifies the operational and performance requirements, methods of testing MAtoN stations broadcasting in the VHF maritime band. This device is intended to be used as an AtoN[1] for the following mobile applications, but are not limited to these applications: · Ocean Data Acquisition System (ODAS) (e

How AIS works and what it does

Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a communications system that uses four worldwide channels in the VHF maritime mobile band to exchange navigation data. It came into being as a direct result of the need for …

AIS Frequently Asked Questions | Navigation Center

What are AIS Aton and AIS Aids to Navigation Reports? AIS Aids to Navigation (Aton) Stations are shore or mobile AIS stations, identified by a 99yyyxxxx MMSI, which report (AIS message 21) the location and status of an aid to navigation (ATON). Which can be done from the ATON it resides on or from elsewhere, i.e. ashore from another nearby ATON.

Set up your own AIS Shore station – Pocket Mariner

Obtain an AIS receiver, hook up an external VHF antenna and connect to the internet. Here are the three steps: 1. Hardware AIS receiver. Buy one from a local marine electronics shop or order one online. The following devices (with serial and/or USB output) are popular in our network of AIS stations and can be easily found in many online stores:

A CORS-Based Differential Correction Approach for AIS Mobile Stations

Load analysis and testing show that this approach can effectively meet the need for differential corrections for most AIS mobile stations under the condition that the occupancy rate of the AIS channel is less than 1% when using broadcast binary messages. In order to remedy the inadequacy of the sources of differential corrections in current automatic identification system …

Kongsberg AIS 300

The AIS 300 is our 4th generation AIS class A mobile station designed to be fully integrated in a ship's bridge environment. An improved receiver sensitivity of -115 dBm gives an increased range compared to AIS units with the standard …

AIS | Automatic Identification System

AIS operates principally on two dedicated VHF frequencies or channels: AIS 1 - 161.975 MHz - channel 87B (Simplex, for ship to ship) and AIS 2 - 162.025 MHz - channel 88B (Duplex for ship to shore). AIS use Self-Organizing Time Division …

Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS)

What is AIS? AIS is included in the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, and large ships began fitting AIS in July 2002. AIS transmits, automatically and at set intervals, dynamic information relating to the ship's course, speed and …

Types Of Automatic Identification Systems (Per …

These stations can also transmit AIS ATON Reports (message 21) and Application Specific Messages (ASM, message 6 and message 8) for meteorological or hydrological information, marine safety information, etc. (see …


AIS Tester M1 Technical Description and User Guide Manual rev. 3.60 Item 1 Page General Purpose 4 28.10.2010 1. General purpose 1.1 The AIS tester is designed for checking of class A and class B - AIS mobile stations and it is suitable for express checking and annual tests as well (according to the circular letter MSC.1/Circ.1252).

AIS The Best Network For All Generations

We are the leading provider of mobile phone network, the mobile operator of Thailand. With the best in services of internet 5G 4G 3G Fibre Super WIFI and WIFI provider, prepaid, postpaid and mobile phone devices. Find out more here.


The Kongsberg AIS AQ610 is specially designed for use in offshore maritime operations, such as wind energy and aquaculture farms. The AIS AQ610 receives and communicates AIS data from all AIS sources: AIS mobile stations, AIS base stations, AIS Aids to Navigation units, Search and Rescue (AIS SAR) units, and Man-over-Board (AIS MOB) units within the VHF coverage area.

The conceptual model of the differential correction approach for AIS

In order to remedy the inadequacy of the sources of differential corrections in current automatic identification system (AIS) and to improve the positioning accuracy of AIS mobile stations using ...

Types Of Automatic Identification Systems (Per ITU-R …

Class A | IEC 61993-2 | USCG Approval No. Shipborne mobile equipment intended to meet the performance standards and carriage requirements adopted by IMO. Class A stations report their position (message 1/2/3) autonomously every 2-10 seconds dependent on the vessel's speed and/or course changes (every three minutes or less when at anchor or …


1.1 The AIS tester is designed for checking of class A and class B - AIS mobile stations and AIS-SARTs. It is suitable for express checking and annual tests as well (according to the circular letter MSC.1/Circ.1252). 1.2 General view of the tester is represented on …


The AIS 300BF is an enhanced version of the type approved AIS 300 class A mobile station, which also offers secure communication in addition to standard AIS functionality. In secure mode the AIS 300BF will still be able to detect all AIS mobile stations in its coverage area but it will not reveal its own position to any other than friendly forces.

MarineTraffic: Global Ship Tracking Intelligence | AIS Marine Traffic

MarineTraffic Live Ships Map. Discover information and vessel positions for vessels around the world. Search the MarineTraffic ships database of more than 550000 active and decommissioned vessels. Search for popular ships globally. Find locations of ports and ships using the near Real Time ships map. View vessel details and ship photos.

Thailand, November 2023, Mobile Network Experience …

Both companies also signed a contract, which will allow NT to rent out AIS' soon-to-be-deployed 13,500 base stations and use this partner's network for national roaming. Our results in this report are based on measurements collected across all major mobile operators in Thailand – AIS, DTAC, and TrueMove H – over the period of 90 days ...


The AIS BS610 receives and communicates AIS data from all AIS sources: AIS mobile stations, other AIS Base Stations, AIS Aids to Navigation units, Search and Rescue units etc, within the …

AIS-Base Station

The AIS BS receives and communicates AIS data from all AIS sources: AIS mobile stations, other AIS Base Stations, AIS Aids to Navigation units, Search and Rescue units etc, within the VHF coverage area. The AIS BS610 is a …