Sulfur Removal from Spent Ladle Refining Furnace Slag …

and electric arc furnaces) and recycling in a ladle refining furnace.[15–21] A particular slag can be efficiently recy-cled by adjusting its chemical composition, which remains relatively stable after ladle refining. However, the sulfur content in the slag reaches saturation after two or three cycles because of the low solubility of

Potential Reuse of Ladle Furnace Slag as Cementitious …

Ladle furnace slag (LFS), a by-product of steel refining, shows a promising reuse pathway as an alternative additive or substitute for Portland cement due to its high alkalinity and similar chemical composition to clinkers. However, LFS is often stored in large, open surface areas, leading to many environmental issues. To tackle waste management challenges, LFS …

Generation, utilization, and environmental impact of ladle …

If the S in hot ladle furnace slag is removed, the treated slag can be reused at a ladle refining station; this approach reduces the consumption of mineral resources and …

A way to reduce environmental impact of ladle furnace slag

Recycling Ladle Furnace Slag as Flux in Steelmaking: A Review. Source: Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Inertization and reuse of waste materials by vitrification and fabrication of glass-based products. Source: Elsevier BV. Use of steelworks slag in Europe ...

Effect of recycling ladle furnace slag as flux on steel

Recycling ladle furnace (LF) slag helps in sustainable steel making and reduces steel production costs. This paper focuses on recycling Si/Mn/Al-killed LF slag as a replacement for CaO–Al2O3-based synthetic slag for treating high carbon Si/Mn-killed steels. Characterization of different types of LF slag was carried out to identify chemical composition and mineralogical …

Use of Solid Slag Mixtures in a Ladle Furnace Unit

Contemporary industry specifies ever higher requirements for steel quality [1, 2].Since it is provided indirectly in a steel smelting unit with a significant loss of productivity, with the aim of minimizing expenditure for a series of production operations it is transferred into a subsidiary unit, i.e., a ladle furnace unit (LFU) that makes it possible to accomplish the task of …

Cyclic Use of Ladle Furnace Refining Slag for Desulfurization

Industrial experiments were carried out to study the cyclic use of ladle furnace refining slag on desulfurization. Sampling of refining slag and steel were undertaken simultaneously at roughly equal intervals of time. The desulfurization capacity remained almost unchanged in the recycling slag compared with the primary slag. The amount of lime added …

Ladle slag characteristics and use in mortar and concrete: A

The construction industry is a potential area that may recycle ladle slag as a sustainable replacement to cement binder, thereby reducing the consumption of cement, conserving natural resources, and alleviating greenhouse gas emissions. ... The solution was used to activate a mix between ladle slag and arc furnace slag. Furthermore, Xu and Yi ...

Assessment of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Steel Slag Waste's Recycling …

Steel slag is one of the most common waste products from the steelmaking industry. Conventional methods of slag disposal can cause negative impacts on humans and the environment. In this paper, the process of steel and steel slag production, physical and chemical properties, and potential options of slag recycling were reviewed. Since steel is mainly produced through an …

Sulfur Removal from Spent Ladle Refining Furnace Slag at …

To develop a better understanding of the resource recycling of ladle furnace slag (LFS) in steel enterprises, electric field strengthening by direct current (DC) is tested as an effective method ...

A Review on Stabilization of Ladle Furnace Slag …

recycling raw material for various applications. Applications of Ladle Furnace (LF) Slag Usage and recycling of LF slag are very limited compared to other steel slags. Various steel slags like BF slags are used by cement industries whereas primary steelmaking and AOD slags are being consumed by road construction and landll-ing purposes.

Cyclic Use of Ladle Furnace Refining Slag for Desulfurization

Recycling ladle furnace (LF) slag helps in sustainable steel making and reduces steel production costs. This paper focuses on recycling Si/Mn/Al-killed LF slag as a replacement for CaO-Al 2 O 3 ...

Potential Reuse of Ladle Furnace Slag as Cementitious …

Ladle furnace slag (LFS), a by-product of steel refining, shows a promising reuse pathway as an alternative additive or substitute for Portland cement due to its high alkalinity and similar ...

An experimental investigation on utilization of ladle refined furnace …

Recycling LRF slag for improving soil for different geotechnical applications is an economical and environment-friendly approach as utilizing LRF ensures sustainable solid ... Evaluation of the use of electric arc furnace slag and ladle furnace slag in stone mastic asphalt mixes with discarded cellulose fibers from the papermaking industry.

Ladle Furnace Slag: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

Ladle slag is a byproduct formed during the ladle refining stage of steel making. It is a dusty material that has been considered industrial waste. Technical advancements towards a sustainable industry led to the development of different applications for ladle slag. Depending on the processing methods during the steel slag production and the weathering of the slag …

Effect of recycling ladle furnace slag as flux on steel

Recycling ladle furnace (LF) slag helps in sustainable steel making and reduces steel production costs. This paper focuses on recycling Si/Mn/Al-killed LF slag as a replacement for CaO-Al 2 O 3 ...

Recycling of ladle furnace slags | Request PDF

Recycling ladle furnace (LF) slag helps in sustainable steel making and reduces steel production costs. This paper focuses on recycling Si/Mn/Al-killed LF slag as a replacement for CaO-Al 2 O 3 ...


paper provides an overview of possible uses of ladle slag (the slag from a ladle furnace and vacuum-oxygen-decarburization processes). As a preliminary research, ladle slag has been investigated using SEM/EDS. ... ladle slag has a low potential for recycling.12–15 For this reason about 80 % of it is currently landfilled, taking into account ...

Ladle Furnace Slag: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

These reviews considered the application of BOF, EAF, Linz-Donawitz (LD), ground granulated blast furnace (GGBF), and LF slag, emphasizing the reuse of BOF and EAF slags. Najm et al. …

Recycling Ladle Furnace Slag as Flux in Steelmaking: A Review

Recycling ladle furnace (LF) slag helps in sustainable steel making and reduces steel production costs. This paper focuses on recycling Si/Mn/Al-killed LF slag as a …

Ladle Furnace

76 rowsRecycling basic oxygen furnace slag: The recycling of slags can reduce the landfill disposal of byproducts from blast furnaces and basic oxygen furnaces. However, it still faces …

Industrial Ladle Furnace Slag Composition Analysis with …

Ladle furnaces (LFs) are used to fine-tune the chemical composition of the steel before casting. The impurities from ... recycling. A common way to determine the slag composition at ladle furnaces is to do an x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis.12) The XRF analysis consists of slag sampling, grinding, and spec-

Recycling of ladle slag in the EAF: A way to improve environmental conditions and reduce variable costs in steel …

  • Springerhttps://link.springer/article/10.1007/s40831-019-00243-9

    Recycling Ladle Furnace Slag as Flux in Steelmaking: A Review

    Utilization of ladle furnace slag for fabrication of …

    Materials containing silica and alumina phases are suitable for geopolymer production. The basic solid alumino-silicate raw materials may be classified to natural one as kaolin or industrial wastes as ladle furnace slag, fly ash and blast furnace-slag, etc. Thermal treatment of kaolin at 600–800 °C results in collapsing of original clay structure and creates …

    Recycling Ladle Furnace Slag as Flux in Steelmaking: A Review

    The present paper reviews on the importance of ladle flux usage, various methods available to prevent disintegration of LF slags, and possibilities to recycle LF slags as a flux in …

    Ladle Furnace Slag: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

    Ladle furnace slag (LFS) is an industrial waste generated during steel refining, through a process of deoxidation and desulfurization of the material while it is in a liquid state in its second ...

    Study of the Incorporation of Ladle Furnace Slag in the …

    carbon. This process produced the ladle furnace slag used in this project in a portion of 20–30 kg per final ton of steel. Although the proportion is lower than that obtained in the production of electric arc furnace slag, the landfill of ladle furnace slag produces serious environmental problems due to its

    Effect of recycling ladle furnace slag as flux on steel

    Recycling ladle furnace (LF) slag helps in sustainable steel making and reduces steel production costs. This paper focuses on recycling Si/Mn/Al-killed LF slag as a …

    Ladle slag conveyor

    Recycling steelmaking slags has become a key issue to close the sustainable production loop. Ladle furnace slag – also called 'white slag' due to its high content in calcium oxide – can be successfully recycled as a flux in secondary steelmaking, or routed to other industries (i.e. cement) as raw material. Despite its potentiality, the valorization of LF slag is difficult due to the ...

    Recycling of ladle slag and spent refractories by

    Steel slag is a by-product obtained through the separation of molten steel from impurities in steel-making furnaces. It can be produced by different types of furnaces (blast, basic oxygen ...

    Use of Al-Killed Ladle Furnace Slag in Si-Killed …

    Recycling ladle furnace (LF) slag helps in sustainable steel making and reduces steel production costs. This paper focuses on recycling Si/Mn/Al-killed LF slag as a replacement for CaO-Al 2 O 3 ...

    Ladle Furnace Slag: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

    applications of ladle furnace (LF) slag. One of the prime focuses of waste remediation and sustainable industry is to find meaningful ways to turn waste ... Varanasi et al. [13] studied the recycling of LF slag as a flux in steel making. Dash et al. [11] reviewed the powdering problem in LF slag and methods for stabilization.

    A way to reduce environmental impact of ladle furnace slag

    In the last decades the European steel industry has made continuous efforts to reduce residues and byproducts and to increase recycling in order to reduce its environmental impact. While some steelmaking slags have been widely characterised and, to a certain extent reused, ladle furnace (LF) slag is used in different applications because of its specific …