Concrete Calculator

On this page, you can calculate material consumption viz., cement, sand, stone gravel for the following concrete mix ratios - 1:1.5:3, 1:2:4, 1:3:6, 1:4:8, 1:5:10. Once, the quantities are determined, it is easy to estimate the cost of a concrete block, driveway, patio, yard or any other structure with the price prevailing in your area.

Recycling of End of Life Concrete Fines into Hardened Cement and Clean Sand

Proportion of Hardened Cement and Sand in the Recycled Fractions In general, crushed concrete fines contain mostly hardened cement and α-quartz (sand) originated from broken aggregates [20]. XRF analysis was carried out on various size fractions after the recycling procedures. The content of SiO2 measured by XRF ((SiO2%) XRF) in fines is the ...

TRUBED Cement Bound Sand

TRUBED is a correctly proportioned factory mixed stabilised cement bound sand. It is a semi dry cement bound sand mixture, typically supplied in a 14:1 ratio. 03701 116 116 [email protected] Home. ... sand is also known as Stabilised Sand it is used to form a protective bed for cable installations where a compacted or hardened fill is required.

How to Mix Portland Cement With Sand

In a mixing container, add no more than 1 part cement to 2 parts sand. For some applications, you may add up to a 1:8 ratio of cement to sand. More cement means more strength and stickiness but less workability. Ratios with more cement than a 1:2 ratio with sand will prove difficult to work with and some of the aggregate may not bind correctly.


The cement contents of a large number of hardened concrete specimens have been tested by the maleic acid extraction procedure. The results of some of the tests, repre­ senting a number of cement types and concrete mix designs are given in Table 1. In addition, a number of cement content de­ terminations of mortar cubes are given in

Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D-Printed Concrete …

Fresh and Hardened Properties of 3D-Printed Concrete Made with Dune Sand Hilal El-Hassan(&), Fady Alnajjar, Hamad Al Jassmi, and Waleed Ahmed United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE [email protected] Abstract. This paper examines the performance of 3D-printed concrete made with locally abundant desert dune sand. Cement was replaced by ...

Recycling of End of Life Concrete Fines into …

3.3. Proportion of Hardened Cement and Sand in the Recycled Fractions. In general, crushed concrete fines contain mostly hardened cement and α-quartz (sand) originated from broken aggregates [20] . XRF analysis …

Hardened Cement Paste

Hydro Power. S. Jianxia, in Comprehensive Renewable Energy, 2012 General. Hardened cement paste, like sand and stone aggregates, is a porous solid and will absorb water.If the temperature drops to freezing point, the water in the porous concrete will freeze. The transition of water from a liquid state to a solid state involves an increase in volume by about 9%, which …

Comprehensive Review on Fresh and Hardened Concrete …

IRJET, 2021. The aim of this review paper is to investigate the improvement of mechanical properties of concrete by optimal replacement of cement and fine aggregate with ratio of bagasse ash (BA), Rice husk ash (RHA) and waste foundry sand (WFS) in terms of weight, which Portland cement is partially replaced by bagasse ash with Rice husk ash composition and Fine …

Fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting concrete …

DOI: 10.1016/J.CEMCONCOMP.2010.11.005 Corpus ID: 137292222; Fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting concrete produced with manufactured sand @article{Nanthagopalan2011FreshAH, title={Fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting concrete produced with manufactured sand}, author={Prakash Nanthagopalan and Manu …

Hardened properties of layered 3D printed concrete with recycled sand

Mix Recycled sand ratio (%) OPC Natural sand Recycled sand HPMC Superplasticizer Water M1 M2 M2 M3 0 12.5 25 50 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 875 750 500 0 125 250 500 1.28 1.28 1.28 1.28 0.83 1.03 1.25 1.85 350 361.25 372.5 395 3 T. Ding et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 113 (2020) 103724 Fig. 4. 3D printed concrete with recycled sand ...

Influence of aggregates grading and water/cement ratio …

Influence of aggregates grading and water/cement ratio in workability and hardened properties of mortars Vladimir G. Haach1 Graça Vasconcelos2 Paulo B. Lourenço3 ... (Portland cement:sand), 1:0.5:4.5 (Portland cement:lime:sand) and 1:1:6 (Portland cement:lime:sand). For each mix, three different water-cement ratios (w/c) were considered. Two ...

[PDF] Novel separation process for obtaining recycled cement …

DOI: 10.1016/J.JCLEPRO.2021.127375 Corpus ID: 236243756; Novel separation process for obtaining recycled cement and high-quality recycled sand from waste hardened concrete @article{Carrio2021NovelSP, title={Novel separation process for obtaining recycled cement and high-quality recycled sand from waste hardened concrete}, author={Ana Carriço and Jos{'e} …

New Approach to Analyse Cement-Sand Ratio Evaluation in Hardened Cement …

Research Article. New Approach to Analyse Cement-Sand Ratio Evaluation in Hardened Cement-Mortar in Forensic Aspect Shaleeni Tiwari 1, Deeksha Aggarwal 2 Surendra Kumar 3 and Mukesh Sharma 4*. 1 Department of forensic Science, Vivekanand Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. 2 Department of forensic Science, Vivekanand Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Explained: Cement vs. concrete — their …

There's a lot the average person doesn't know about concrete. It's porous; it's the world's most-used material after water; and it's not cement. MIT's Concrete Sustainability Hub describes the world's most …

What can you add to sand to harden it?

Generally, for most construction projects involving sand and cement, a mixture of one part cement to three parts sand is usually used. This is because this ratio can be easily handled and manipulated. The three parts sand to one part cement ratio produces a stronger concrete than the two-to-one ratio and can be used in most general construction ...

Effects of Recycled Rubber Particles Incorporated as Partial Sand …

Once the tests were carried out, the fresh and hardened concrete properties were obtained. Similarly, the compressive and flexural strengths had the exact relationship between the values obtained.

Can You Use Cement That Has Hardened In The …

The good news is that even if the bag of concrete is rock hard after being exposed to moisture, you can still use it. It should crush and break apart relatively easily using a hammer. While you won't be able to make the same …

What Is Concrete Made Of? "Concrete 101: The …

The most commonly used concrete mix design is called a normal-strength concrete, which consists of Portland cement, sand, aggregate (typically gravel or crushed stone), and water. The proportions of these ingredients are typically …

Production of polycarboxylate-ether superplasticizer (PCE) coated sand

The cement used in this study is Ordinary Portland cement (Type 1), Table 1, Table 2, present the chemical and physical properties of the used cement, respectively, which is in accordance to ASTM C150 [23].River sand complies with ASTM C33 [24] and the maximum size of 4.75 mm was used. Table 1 presents the chemical composition of the natural and …

Fresh and hardened properties of cement mortars using marble sludge

Aliabdo et al. [23] tested marble dust as cement or as sand replacement at various rates up to 15% wt. and confirmed its compatibility for use with cement, while they reported a decrease in cement mortar and concrete strength when MSF was used as cement replacement and an increase in concrete strength when MSF was used as sand replacement.

basic knowledge of sand and gravel aggregate

In the concrete layout, sand and gravel play an important role as a skeleton, stabilizing the volume of concrete, reporting stress, and restraining shrinkage to prevent cracking. It plays an extremely important role in …

Calculation of Cement, Sand and Aggregate for M-10, M …

Volume of sand= (sand/cement+sand+aggregate) x 1.54 . Quantity of sand = (sand/total volume) x1.54 = (1/4)x1.54 = 0.385 ㎥ 1 ㎥ of sand = 1600-1800 kg . Assume 1600 kg. 0.385 ㎥ of sand =1600 x 0.385 = 616 kg. Hence we require 616 kg of sand for 1 cu.m of concrete. Calculation of Volume of Coarse Aggregate in 1 ㎥ of Concrete:-

Pore Structure Characterization of Hardened Cement Paste …

The pore structure of hardened cement paste is multiscale and multicomponent. Previous literature studies devise the pore structure of hardened cement paste into four parts: gel pores (<10 nm), small capillary pores (10–100 nm), large capillary pores (100–1000 nm), and air holes (>several μm) . In fact, many methods have been applied to ...

Sand and Gravel in Concrete | Shelly Company

There will be four basic materials you need in your mix: Portland cement, sand, aggregate and water. Adding water will form a paste that will bind the materials together until the mix hardens. The strength of the concrete is …

What Is Hardened Concrete | Properties of …

Cement is a binding material that is used to bind sand and aggregates with each other to form hardened concrete. The finer the size of the particles of the cement more will be the ultimate compressive strength.

(PDF) Recycling ceramic waste powder: effects its grain …

The prime motive of this study is to evaluate the effect of ceramic waste on fresh and mechanical properties of various cement composites like cement paste, cement mortar, hardened concrete and ...

sand-cement screeds and concrete toppings for floors

to hardened concrete. The hardened concrete is also known as the base concrete. Screed thickness should be not less than 25 mm or more than 50 mm. The minimum thickness of a bonded topping at any part should be 35 mm. The actual thickness required may Table 3: Classification of abrasion resistance – recommendations for concrete finishes [1]

Can You Sand Concrete? How to Sand Concrete Smooth?

It is even possible to sand concrete with an angle grinder if that is your power tool of choice. Hand-held Concrete Sanders. Using a hand grinder or orbital sander is a great option for sanding a concrete countertop or small surface. The small sander surface will allow you to have more control over tighter angles or corners of the concrete.

Mechanical, microstructural and acid resistance aspects of …

One of the most crucial aspects that dictate the durability of cement mortar and concrete is the resistance to aggressive media [1], [2], [3], [4].Chemical attack has been categorized into numerous kinds, such as carbon dioxide, sulphate, chloride, alkali and acid attacks [5].Resistance to acid attack is a vital issue for structural components utilized in …

Benefits of using sea sand and seawater in concrete: a …

A review of the last 16 years of research (2005–2021) on seawater-mixed concrete is presented. A very significant amount of research, both fundamental and applied, has been performed on this ...

How Gravel Can Harden Like Concrete: A Step-by …

Gravel is loose, with individual stones that can shift and move over time, while concrete is a solid surface that is designed to stay in place. By adding a cement-based binding agent to your gravel surface, you can create a stable …

Properties and Testing of Printed Cement-Based Materials in Hardened …

Penetration of cement pastes into sand packings during 3D : analytical and experimental study. Materials and Structures, 51(1), 22. Google Scholar ... Bos, F. P., and Salet, T. A. M. (2019). Hardened properties of 3D printed concrete: The influence of process parameters on interlayer adhesion. Cement and Concrete Research, 119, 132 ...

What Can I Do With a Hardened Bag of Concrete? (Top 5 …

Why Bagged Concrete Hardens. Concrete is a building material made by mixing cement, sand, small stones, and water. A bag of ready-to-use concrete, such as Quikrete, is a mix of cement, generally Portland cement, sand, and gravel or stone. Cement is a binding agent.