Development of low-carbon recycled aggregate concrete …

Since the construction industry is one of the major sectors responsible for the overexploitation of natural resources and the production of greenhouse gases, there is an urgent need to adopt a sustainable and environmental friendly approach to mitigate climate degradation. Research has explored the potential of recycled aggregate (RA) as a viable alternative to …

Recycled aggregates in concrete production: …

Recycled aggregates in concrete production: engineering properties and environmental impact Mohammed Seddik Meddah* Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, 123 ...

Recycled Aggregates for Concrete Production: State-of …

In Great Britain the production of recycled aggregate follows a WRAP Quality Protocol, and about 60 % of the recycled C&DW is used as aggregate, general fill or land reclamation. Around 17 % of UK aggregate needs are already met from recycled material . Japan is one of the country where recycling of C&DW is more advanced: by 2000, demolished ...

Moroccan highway calls for aggregate production

Construction of a new highway across Morocco is placing high demands for aggregates along the route and Agregat Oued Cherrat is work to supply the project. Government investment in a modern motorway network in Morocco means the country is a hive of activity …

Using and optimizing the recycled aggregates in concrete: …

This paper examines the recycled history of recycled aggregate and recycled aggregate. A general review of how recycled aggregates were used by previous researchers in recent years and their findings are reviewed in this review paper. In addition, methods for enhancing the mechanical characteristics of recycled aggregate and long-term ...

Sustainable Materials: A Review of Recycled Concrete Aggregate …

In this paper, a comprehensive literature review was conducted on the utilization of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), which is the dominant construction and demolition waste material, in base ...

Use of Recycled Aggregates in Construction

Recycled Aggregates Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) Crushed sound and clean waste concrete of at least 95% by weight of concrete with typical total contamination lower than 1% of the bulk mass. Class 1A RCA is a well graded RCA with no more than 0.5% brick content. Partial replacement (30%) for natural aggregate in concrete for sidewalks,

Comparative carbon emission assessments of recycled and …

By contrast, carbon emissions can increase when natural coarse aggregates are replaced by recycled aggregates in proportions of 50% and , and transportation is not included in analysis. However, the concrete with 50% recycled aggregate presented lower increase, only 0.3% and 3.4% for normal and high strength concrete, respectively.

Comparative life cycle assessment of pervious concrete production …

Current common practices for concrete production by the construction industry in Malaysia are the use of raw materials and the disposing of construction and demolition waste to landfill. These practices have caused significant environmental impacts (EIs) that could lead to serious environmental health issues. To counter these impacts, the use of sustainable …


production is expected to increase to more than 2.5 m illion tons per year by the end of year 2020 [11]. ... When recycled aggregate absorption is low (under 5%), pre-soaking or adding extra water ...

Evaluation of recycled concrete aggregate in asphalt mixes

This paper investigates the feasibility of using recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as a replacement to the natural aggregates (NAs) in hot mix asphalt (HMA). RCA was collected from two different sources (new concrete cubes used for quality control testing during construction, and old demolished building) to investigate the impact of material degeneration …

Incorporating coarse and fine recycled aggregates into

Concrete waste (CW) recycling stands as a promising strategy to promote sustainable construction practices. This research aims to assess the feasibility of using recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) as a surrogate for natural aggregates (NA) in concrete applications and reduce the environmental impact associated with the depletion of natural resources and …

A Comprehensive Review on Recycled Aggregate and …

This study provides a comprehensive review on recycled aggregate (RA) and recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) regarding their history, recycling, reuse and manufacture …

Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC)

Sources of recycled aggregate for Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC) Pexels. When a structure is demolished, the particles are of larger sizes. So to make the processing easier the particles need to be crushed down to 300mm. Steps included in recycling aggregates Separation. 75% of the concrete is made of aggregates.

Feasibility of utilizing recycled coarse aggregates in …

As part of efforts to attain circularity in the concrete industry, there is growing interest in employing Recycled Coarse Aggregates (RCA) in commercial concrete production (Wijayasundara et al., 2018).This shift is primarily motivated by the urgent need to address the environmental impacts and the depletion of resources linked to the use of Natural Coarse …

Assessment of the sustainability of aggregate quarrying …

Aggregates production is mainly concentrated in the "Dorsale Calcaire" geological units of northern Morocco (Dellero and El Kharim 2017) and the carbonate rocks of the Atlas …

A review of recycled aggregate in concrete applications …

Recycled coarse aggregates hold a great recycling potential (Ying et al. 2022;Russo and Lollini 2022;Taieboune and Alaoui 2022) and their use as a replacement for natural aggregates has been ...

Carbon-conditioned recycled aggregate in concrete production

This paper investigates the use of carbon-conditioned recycled aggregate (RA CO2) in concrete production.Experimental work is conducted for RA CO2 with varying chamber pressure (0 kPa, 75 kPa, 150 kPa), chamber duration (0 min, 30 min, 90 min) and RA CO2 replacement percentages (0%, 30%, ) for concrete production. Average of three results …

A review of life cycle assessment of recycled aggregate …

Concrete is by far the most widely used construction material around the world. The annual world concrete production varies depending on the source between 13 billion [2] and 21 billion tons [95].Dixit et al. [21] pointed out that 49% of raw stone, gravel and sand, 25% of wood and 16% of water are consumed by the building sector. The huge concrete …

Limestone production at Morocco's Oued Cherrat quarry

"The company has been running the Oued Cherrat aggregate quarry since 2009, and it has a capacity of 1.5 million tonnes of aggregate per year." Since 2010, GMC has also …

Construction and demolition waste as recycled aggregate …

Recycled aggregates (RA) from construction and demolition waste (CDW) instead of natural aggregates (NA) were analysed in the manufacture of new eco-friendly concrete. Fine (FRA) and coarse (CRA) recycled aggregates were used in different percentages as substitutes of natural sand and gravel, respectively. The results revealed that the use of RA in percentages of up to …

Assessing the Feasibility, Usability, and Durability of Recycled

Assessing the Feasibility, Usability, and Durability of Recycled Construction and Demolition Waste in Road Construction in Morocco Amine NAIM, Ikrame HATTAB, Rajaa ZAHNOUNE, Mohamed ELGHOZLANI, Omar TANANE, Abdeslam EL BOUARI, Reda ELKACMI Abstract. Growing concerns about environmental sustainability and increasingly restrictive …

Impact of Using Recycled Aggregates on Compressive

Recycled Aggregates are used as partially or fully as substitution of coarse and fine aggregates in recycled aggregate concrete. Though, recycled aggregate concrete is used for low level ...

Assessment of the sustainability of aggregate quarrying …

Our findings show that only an area equivalent to 1.6 km2 is suitable for an environmentally friendly, economically profitable, and high-quality aggregate quarry. A larger …

Impact of Using Recycled Aggregates on Compressive …

Recycled aggregate concrete is considered the next generation in the field of construction: it respects the environment, solves the problem of debris management and is economically profitable. ... Morocco which has been built more than 40 years and demolished in the year of 2017. ... M., Vázquez, E., Marí, A., Barra, M., 2007. Influence of ...

Recycled Concrete Aggregates: A Review

After demolition of old roads and buildings, the removed concrete is often considered worthless and disposed of as demolition waste. By collecting the used concrete and breaking it up, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is …

Use of recycled aggregate concrete in structural members: …

Notable examples include studies on: recycled concrete aggregate properties with amounts of old adhered mortars (Duan and Poon Citation 2014), the current status on the use of recycled aggregates in concrete (De Brito and Silva Citation 2016), a critical review and assessment of recycled aggregate as a sustainable construction material (Kisku ...

(PDF) Use of fine recycled concrete aggregates in

This paper discusses the state-of-the-art of the fine recycled concrete aggregates (fRCA), focusing on their physical and chemical properties, engineering properties and durability of concretes ...

recycled aggregate production in morocco

Recycled Construction Aggregates market is split by Type and by Application. For the period 2016-2026, the growth among segments provide accurate calculations and forecasts for sales …

Sustainable Utilization of Phosphogypsum in Multi-Solid Waste Recycled

This study contributes to sustainable construction practices by exploring the use of phosphogypsum, a commonly discarded byproduct, in the production of recycled aggregates. Addressing both environmental and economic aspects of sustainability, we investigate the feasibility of employing phosphogypsum as a primary raw material, in collaboration with …

Recycled Aggregate

Reuse of recycled aggregate in the production of alkali-activated concrete. P. Chindaprasirt, T. Cao, in Handbook of Alkali-Activated Cements, Mortars and Concretes, 2015 19.2 A brief discussion on recycled aggregates. Recycled aggregate is defined as aggregate resulting from the processing of inorganic or mineral material previously used in construction (BS EN 12620, …

Assessing the Feasibility, Usability, and Durability of Recycled

Growing concerns about environmental sustainability and increasingly restrictive waste management regulations have led to the use of construction and demolition wastes …

Experimental investigation of concrete incorporating recycled …

Waste reduction and decreasing the need for natural aggregate are significant environmental factors that should be taken into consideration. Both can be achieved by incorporating recycled concrete aggregate into fresh concrete mixes. Most previous studies on concrete incorporating recycled concrete aggregates mainly examined recycled coarse …

Recycled Concrete Aggregate

Reuse of recycled aggregate in the production of alkali-activated concrete. P. Chindaprasirt, T. Cao, in Handbook of Alkali-Activated Cements, Mortars and Concretes, 2015 19.2 A brief discussion on recycled aggregates. Recycled aggregate is defined as aggregate resulting from the processing of inorganic or mineral material previously used in construction (BS EN 12620, …

Waste Management in Morocco

The good news about the future of Morocco's MSW management is that the World Bank has allocated $271.3 million to the Moroccan government to develop a municipal waste …

Geopolymer concrete incorporating recycled aggregates: A …

Nowadays, recycled aggregate use in concrete production increases worldwide as a result of its reliable performance, ensuring sustainability and reducing landfill problems. Besides, partial replacement of conventional quarry aggregates by recycled aggregates can reduce energy consumption as well as CO 2 emission by around 46% (Tam et al., 2018).

Recycled Aggregates from Inert Waste

The purpose of this guidance is to clarify the point at which recycled aggregates manufactured from inert waste, in SEPA's view, cease to be waste and waste management controls are no longer required. Recycled Aggregates & End of Waste In SEPA's view Recycled Aggregate will normally be regarded as having ceased to be waste, and

Sustainability assessment of recycled aggregate concrete …

In laboratory or industrial conditions, gas is in contact with RCA and the carbonation reaction, by the capture of CO 2, leads to obtaining carbonated recycled concrete aggregates (CRCA) with improved qualities (clogging the porosity). 57-59 A French National Project (FastCarb), aimed to transpose the accelerated carbonation at an industrial ...


the use of recycled aggregates in road construction. 4. Share case studies and examples from across Canada to understand where and in what applications recycled aggregates are successful. 5. Explore how public procurement can be an enabler to support greater uptake of recycled aggregates to drive desired outcomes.

Recycled Aggregate: A Viable Solution for Sustainable Concrete Production

Construction and demolition activities consume large amounts of natural resources, generating 4.5 bi tons of solid waste/year, called construction and demolition waste (C&DW) and other wastes, such as ceramic, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), glass, and slag. Furthermore, around 32 bi tons of natural aggregate (NA) are extracted annually. In this scenario, replacing …