(PDF) Characteristics and techno-economic potential of

This study investigated technical and economic feasibility of converting biogas from palm oil mill effluent (POME) into bio-compressed natural gas (Bio-CNG) for offsite utilization.

[PDF] Economic Feasibility Study on Establishing an Oil …

The processing of oil palm fresh fruit bunch (FFB) primarily for palm oil results in the production of large amount of wastes, particularly in the form of palm oil mill effluent (POME). Production of POME can be estimated at almost three times the quantity of crude palm oil (CPO) produced. It can pollute the environment through the production of biogas which can be captured through a …


(Sudaryanti, 2017) show the financial feasibility of processing POME into biogas through 2 scenarios where on scenario 1 is the conversion of POME biogas to biopower as a …

Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Biogas Power Plants in …

Therefore, this literature review examines various aspects of a biogas power plant, including a feasibility study that encompasses technical and economic analyses, generator design, trials ...

Dokumen Pengadaan. : Feasibility Study POME (Palm Oil …

Dokumen Pengadaan Pengadaan: Jasa Konsultan Jenis Pekerjaan: Feasibility Study POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) RIMBA - Project Metode: Pascakualifikasi Nilai: Rp. 350,000,000 include Tax Sumber Pendanaan : MCA Indonesia Program MCAI-RIMBA, WWF-Indonesia 2017 A. DOKUMEN KUALIFIKASI A. Nama Pekerjaan Feasibility Study POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) …

Feasibility of palm oil mill effluent elimination towards …

This paper aims to review conventional POME treatment and utilisation strategies and provides discussion on the benefits and drawbacks of POME utilisation in the palm oil …

2 Tor Feasibility Study Pome 030717 Iklan3 | PDF

Dokumen ini berisi informasi tentang pengadaan jasa konsultan untuk melakukan studi kelayakan pemanfaatan limbah cair industri kelapa sawit (POME) sebagai sumber energi terbarukan. Dokumen ini mencakup tujuan studi, lokasi, dan persyaratan kualifikasi konsultan.

Study on Assessment and Feasibility of Hythane From POME …

Biogas power plant from POME is getting trendier because Indonesia is the largest palm oil producer in the world as the amount of palm oil production produces more POME and has a high COD.

POME Treatment Co-benefits CDM, Malaysia Summary …

POME Treatment Co-benefits CDM, Malaysia Summary of the Study March, 2008 Pacific Consultants 1. Project Information 1-1 Background Information Current feasibility study aims at the evaluation of feasibility and profitability of POME(Palm Oil Mill Effluent) treatment projects in Malaysia, which plan to install closed anaerobic biodigesters.

Analysis on the feasibility of small-scale biogas …

This study aimed at providing alternative processing of POME into biogas at the most optimum biogas yield without any pretreatment, taking advantage of POME conditions generated ...

Potential of integrating Solid Oxide Fuel Cell based on …

A numerical simulation was carried out to gain insight into the feasibility of integrating hybrid gasification (GT) with SOFC based on selected biomass-derived fuels (i) palm oil mill effluent ...

Feasibility study of biogas production and utilization as a …

Therefore, a huge amount of POME is expected to release from palm oil industries. Around 0.87 m 3 POME is released when one tone of palm fruit is milled in the factory [9]. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are the main effects of POME in which can consequence serious water pollutants.

Guide for Feasibility Studies on Sustainable Aviation Fuels

feasibility study, including the reasons for conducting the study, and its main objectives. In a number of feasibility studies, the development and deployment of SAF has been identified as a key mitigator of aviation emissions, contributing to a …

Simulation and optimisation of full-scale palm oil mill …

A study on biogas production from POME treatment via covered lagoon was successfully accomplished by means of a simulation tool namely SuperPro Designer v9.0. …

Types of Feasibility Study in Software Project Development

Feasibility Study in Software Engineering is a study to evaluate feasibility of proposed project or system. Feasibility study is one of stage among important four stages of Software Project Management Process.As name suggests feasibility study is the feasibility analysis or it is a measure of the software product in terms of how much beneficial product …

Analysis on the feasibility of small-scale biogas …

In this study, POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) was used as a source of biogas for electrical energy sources. POME was processed by anaerobic digestion using a digester with anaerobic lagoon type. Anaerobic digestion process model until …

Zero-Waste Bioenergy to Lower Energy Transition Risks in …

Driven by the urgent need to address climate change, Indonesia, as the world's largest palm oil producer, faces the challenge of ensuring the sustainability of this industry. This study addresses a critical gap in knowledge by examining the technological advancements in methane capture for bioenergy from palm oil mill effluent (POME), exploring business …

Maximizing biogas yield from palm oil mill effluent (POME) …

POME typically contains around 95 % water, 4 % solids, and 1 % oil and grease (Yap & Chan, 2021). However, POME characteristics vary from mill to mill as they are very much dependent on the milling technology, fruiting season, and types of fruit (Poh et al., 2020). The POME investigated in this study has high organic content, with relatively ...

(PDF) Techno-Economic Analysis of Biogas Power Plant from POME …

In Indonesia, a techno-economic study for biogas power plants from POME was carried out using a simulation process and showed that biogas power plants from POME are feasible to build but less ...

Study on Assessment and Feasibility of Hythane From …

Study on Assessment and Feasibility of Hythane From POME to Improve Power Plant Performance Joni Prasetyo1,2*, Era Restu Finalis1, Galuh Wirama Murti1, S.D Sumbogo Murti1, Nesha Adelia1 1 National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia 2 Chemical Engineering, Pamulang University, Indonesia *Correspondence E-mail: [email protected]

Research Article Feasibility study of utilization of palm oil …

Research shows that Pond IV POME waste can be used as wild microalgae to grow, thereby reducing the BOD and COD levels of POME waste. Variable modifiers were applied to the …

Feasibility study of biogas power plant using anaerobic …

PTPN III PKS Sei Silau is one of the oil palm plantation companies that has not utilized palm oil waste as fuel for the Biogas Power Plant (PLTBg). This study carried out a technical-economic feasibility study to construct a biogas power plant with the aerobic digester method using a literature study and field data.

Feasibility study on palm oil processing wastes towards achieving zero

The study aims to substitute shells for steam boilers / kettle through the scheme of using biomass POME to boilers at palm oil mills. The Utilization Model is a simple representation of a complex ...

Feasibility of palm oil mill effluent elimination towards …

The work of Foo and Hameed (2010) initiated the interest in POME utilisation by reviewing the unique POME fundamental characteristics and possible POME applications [27]. Using Malaysia as the territory of study, Hosseini and Wahid (2013) further explored the feasibility of POME biogas utilisation as an alternative renewable energy [28].

Economic Feasibility Study on Establishing an Oil Palm …

This current study was carried out with the objective of assessing the economics of establishing an oil palm biogas plant based on the four different utilisation methods of the biogas. The results indicate that utilising biogas for the boiler gives higher economic returns compared with the other three options, given certain conditions.

Strategies to Promote Biogas Generation and Utilisation …

To ensure the economic feasibility of the IBWT system developed for compressed bioCH 4 productions, reduction in CAPEX or extra charges for POME treated can be implemented. In this regard, a sensitivity analysis is performed on the cost of POME feedstock and CAPEX reduction up to − 5 US$/m 3 and 70% at − 0.5 US$/m 3 and 10% intervals ...

JCM Feasibility studies Environment Improvement …

JCM Feasibility Study (FS) 2014 – Final Report Ⅰ-15 OEJ/GEC JCM Feasibility Study (FS) 2014 Summary of the Final Report "JCM Feasibility studies「Environment Improvement through Utilization of Biogas from POME Fermentation System」" ( Implementing Entity: Nikken Sekkei Civil Engineering Ltd. The Japan Research Institute, Ltd.) 1.

Feasibility Study Report Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) …

The study aims at avoidance of methane gas emissions which is now generated by anaerobic treatment process in the palm oil mill, by replacing the current anaerobic open-lagoon system with a new POME treatment technology using a decanter and flocculant material.

Feasibility Study | PPT | Free Download

6. FEASIBILITY STUDY Feasibility study- • is an analysis of the viability of an idea. • is an analysis of all possible solutions to a problem and a recommendation on the best solution to use. • is a formal study to decide what …

Economic Feasibility Study on Establishing an Oil Palm …

undertake a feasibility study on the establishment of a POME biogas plant. A feasibility study would assist investors in their decision-making in whether to embark on such biogas plant projects. However, there is no available information in the public domain regarding investment analysis on developing such a plant which can


JOURNALNX-ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY STUDY BIOGAS POWER PLANT AT 80 TON/HOUR PALM OIL MILL. Editor JournalNX1 ..., from utilization of solid waste (Gebrezgabher et al., 2010). (Sudaryanti, 2017) show the financial …

JCM Feasibility studies Environment Improvement …

JCM Feasibility Study (FS) 2014 – Final Report Ⅰ-17 The methane fermentation equipment using the thermophilic anaerobic digestion method produces …