Recovery of Iron from Copper Tailings Using a Combined

As the world's largest producer of refined copper, China accounts for about 1/3 of the world's production. At present, China's refined copper is mainly produced by pyrometallurgy [1,2,3].The annual discharge of copper slag exceeds 10 million tons according to the calculation of 2.2 tons of copper slag per ton of refined copper produced in the copper smelting process [], …

Tellurium Enrichment in Copper Tailings: A Mineralogical and Processing

Prior to processing, a systematic and comprehensive characterization study of copper tailing (CT) samples was conducted to examine the deportment of Te minerals in different mineral phases and to ...

Development of copper recovery process from flotation tailings …

The copper concentrate obtained from the flotation of tailings [30] was used as feed sample in this study.To achieve an excellent copper dissolution from the concentrate of flotation tailings, which consist of chalcopyrite as the major copper component, high‒pressure leaching (HPL) was conducted using an autoclave under a variety of sulfuric acid …

Accumulated Copper Tailing Solid Wastes with Specific …

Against the backdrop of the increasing copper demand in a low-carbon economy, this work statistically forecasted the distribution of China's copper tailings for the first time, and then characterized them as finely crushed and low-grade mining solid wastes containing copper mainly in the form of chalcopyrite, bornite, covelline, enargite and chalcocite based on …

Copper tailings reprocessing

The demand for copper is expected to increase significantly by the year 2030. Owing to the high prices of this metal and the lack of deposits, part of the demand can be met …

A Review of the Cyanidation Treatment of Copper-Gold Ores …

The cyanidation of copper flotation tailings containing sulfides for gold recovery is an example of the formation of cyanide complexes with copper and silver during the leaching process [11,12]. Figure 4 shows the MLA Automated Minerology image of an ore sample from a copper mine in Mexico, containing chalcopyrite and bornite as copper sulfide ...

Keeping Up with Demand: Copper Tailing Reprocessing

Copper is a key resource in modern industry and society. However, copper is finite like all natural resources, and increasing demand for this material depletes global copper reserves. Recovering copper is a crucial strategy to keep up with demand. One approach is to reprocess mining tailings to extract the vital copper resources within.

Geotechnical Properties of Mine Tailings

Therefore, the consolidation process of the fine iron tailings during and after the construction of the tailings dam can be analyzed with the traditional Terzaghi's theory, whereas for the fine copper tailings, the acceleration of the …

Geochemistry of a copper mine tailings deposit in Repparfjorden

The flotation process appears to include some differences, as the copper concentration in the tailings emitted in the 1970's were higher (typical value ca. 470 ppm Cu (Paulsen et al., 1977)) than analyses of the fabricated tailings produced in 2015 (approximately 200 ppm), or the copper content in the ore has changed. The elements Ag, Ba, Ca ...

Estimating processing cost for the recovery of valuable …

The results show that a plant to be installed in Chile to process copper tailings for the recovery of vanadium pentoxide using hydrometallurgical processes would generate the processing cost of 6,218 US$/t of V 2 O 5. It is assumed that this plant would have annual production of 4,400 t, using average ore grade of 0.26%, and a recovery rate of 62%.


largest volume of tailings, 46 per cent, is produced from copper mining (Figures 4 and 5). The precise number of active tailings storage facilities is currently unknown. Although incomplete, the Global Tailings Portal (see the chapters by Franks et al. and Barrie et al., this volume), which includes information

Mine tailings: reprocess, recover & recycle

By reprocessing tailings, dewatering them and then storing them in a dry stack, mines can remove some of the economic, environmental and societal risks associated with …

How to generate value from tailings with reprocessing to be …

A lot of operational and closed tailings facilities have residual mineral values that might not have been of interest in earlier times. With advent of novel technologies, mining companies are now figuring out ways to extract valuable metals from tailings. In gold, copper sulfide and iron ore …


Most tailings can be thickened mechanically, some to a paste or filter cake consistency. However, clay mineral-rich tailings, such as coal tailings, mineral sands tailings, tailings from some oxide ores, and residue from the processing of bauxite, nickel laterite and oil sands, are difficult to dewater mechanically,

Mineralogical characterization of copper sulfide tailings …

As ore grades constantly decline, more copper tailings, which still contain a considerable amount of unrecovered copper, are expected to be produced as a byproduct of froth flotation. This research reveals the occurrence mechanism of copper minerals in typical copper sulfide tailings using quantitative mineral liberation analysis (MLA) integrated with scanning …

The Challenges and Prospects of Recovering Fine …

Flotation is a common mineral processing method used to upgrade copper sulfide ores; in this method, copper sulfide mineral particles are concentrated in froth, and associated gangue minerals are separated as …

Potentially Exploitable Reprocessing Routes for Recovering Copper …

Abstract This research aimed at recovering metals retained in the tailings from the flotation of copper (Cu) and cobalt (Co) ores conducted at the New Concentrator in Kipushi (NCK). Metals retention in the tailings (0.73% Cu and 0.37% Co) increased due to the removal of the gravity separation section from the processing circuit together with changes arising in the …

Copper-processing technologies: Growing global copper …

With demand for copper rapidly ramping up for ... (minus additional processing costs), 3 Based on a copper price of $10,000 per metric ton and a range of forecasts across other ... grind-circuit roughing and coarse particle flotation also open the possibility of reprocessing old tailings facilities and making other brownfield expansions for ...

Mine tailings: reprocess, recover & recycle

The remaining 10% of copper, around 111kt, went to tailings. If the average copper price in 1999 was US$1,500/tonne then that 10% represented US$166.5 million of metal. ... there are now some cases where the reprocessing of tailings works out cheaper than processing material.

Copper Tailings Reprocessing Strategies — Canadian Critical …

By prioritizing both economic management and regulatory compliance, mining operators can ensure sustainable and profitable copper tailings reprocessing while maintaining …

Past, Present, and Future of Copper Mine Tailings …

For example, the Potrerillos Copper Mine disposed of mine tailings near its processing plant when it began operations (1920–1938). However, the copper tailings were subsequently disposed of in coastal areas using a technique called offshore tailings disposal (disposal of riverine and marine tailings).

Process effluents and mine tailings: sources, effects and

Mine tailings, consisting of process effluents that are generated in a mineral processing plant, are generally transferred to tailings ponds/impoundments to meet environmental regulations and site-specific factors before discharge. ... Due to the lower concentration in ores, gold, platinum, diamonds, nickel and copper are associated with the ...

BHP tailings challenge: Repurposing copper tailings

Safe and effective operation and closure of TSFs is a BHP priority. In 2020, BHP launched a tailings challenge with the aim of developing innovative solutions to repurpose copper tailings, …

Copper Recovery and Reduction of Environmental Loading from …

The flotation tailings obtained from Bor Copper Mine contain pyrite (FeS2) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), these sulfide minerals are known to promote acid mine drainage (AMD) which poses a serious threat to the environment and human health. This study focuses on the treatment of mine tailings to convert the AMD supporting minerals to more stable forms, while …

New approaches for extracting and recovering metals from mine tailings

XRD analysis identified quartz, pyrite and gypsum, but no copper minerals, in CLC tailings. Other data, provided by Francisco Sánchez Ruiz (Cobre Las Cruces, S.A.), showed that most (60%) of copper in these tailings was deported in chalcopyrite, with smaller amounts present in covellite (18%), tetrahedrite (12.5%), enargite (8%) and bornite (1 ...

Selective Process Route to Recover Magnetite from …

Copper mine operations consistently generate a large quantity of tailings after their concentration processing. These tailings are either piled up or stored in a dam, where both alternatives of disposal lead to environmental impacts. The dam copper tailings have a huge potential for by-product production thus improving sustainability and profitability in industrial …

Prospective environmental assessment of reprocessing and …

This study conducts a process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) study to investigate multiple reprocessing pathways of copper tailings to co-produce secondary metals and building materials. Four design options representing different value-recovery routes are constructed to assess the environmental burdens of reprocessing chains and the ...

The Use of Acid Leaching to Recover Metals from Tailings: A …

Mine tailings deposits are often overlooked by the industry, posing significant environmental challenges due to chemical hazards and inadequate maintenance. Nevertheless, such mineral deposits hold considerable economic potential for processing, and the adoption of innovative technologies may also address critical chemical and physical stability issues. …

(PDF) Dewatering of Copper Flotation Tailings: Effect of …

This study aims to investigate the potential of mechanical–electrical dewatering (EDW) on the recovery of process water from tailings slurry of Miduk copper mine.