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The effect of iron ore tailings (IOT) on cement modified tropical black clay was studied. ... the Itakpe iron ore deposit is about 200 million tonnes. ... is one of the major chemical additives ...
Keywords: Itakpe Iron ore tailings, Sustainability, Silicate Structure, Oxide Composition, Natural Sand. 1.0 Introduction The major oxide in the chemical composition of Itakpe iron ore tailings …
It should be noted that the geo-chemical processes in mine tailings have a great influence on their geo-mechanical behaviors [43,44,45]. However, due to the long-term effects of the geo-chemical process, it is difficult to reproduce such processes in laboratories. ... "Critical State Analysis for Iron Ore Tailings with a Fine-Grained Interlayer ...
The effect of varied agitation time on the upgrading of Itakpe iron ore dumped tailings via reverse froth flotation technique was investigated. Chemical and mineralogical characterization of the crude sample of Itakpe iron ore dumped tailings was carried out using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (ED-XRF), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and …
between ore grades and concentration characteristics of Itakpe Iron ore. The Wilcoxon signed rank test has been used to establish a significant level of correspondence between actual values
Knowledge of tailings characteristics is required for utilisation and management purposes in the mining and construction industry. Tailings from the mine waste dumps at Itakpe iron ore mine were collected and analysed in the laboratory to determine
Engineers can gain from improving the soil by adding fibres, Iron Ore Tailings, and other elements. With a rise of 0.20% PPF to 0.60% and a constant 10% dose of Iron Ore Tailings by the weight of soil, numerous tests are conducted on black cotton soil. The final strength level is reached at 0.4% PPF and a constant 10% Iron Ore Tailing dosage.
Samples of Itakpe Iron Ore waste dump (tailings) were collected using random sampling method from different locations at the tailings dump sites of National Iron Ore Mining Company (NIOMCO) in Itakpe, Kogi State, Nigeria and properly homogenized to give the head sample. ... Chemical analysis of the ore samples showed that traces of phosphorous ...
with iron ore tailings; 25-30% replacement of iron ore tailings is more appropriate, quality and economical in the production of sand crate blocks. The research recommends that itakpe iron ore (IOT) is a suitable materials for most engineering constructions works and materials like heavy weight concrete, high density
Fig. 2 illustrates the iron ore beneficiation process, particularly magnetic separation, resulting in the generation of inevitable tailings. Due to the characteristics of iron ores and the conditions during beneficiation, it is inevitable that approximately 2.5–3 tons of IOTs are generated for every 1 ton of iron ore concentrate produced [7].In 2019, the global annual …
The highest reducibility value of the resultant pellet for the Itakpe iron ore value was 99.7% with the corresponding temperature at 1000 o C and time rate of 120mins, while the highest ...
Geochemical speciation with quantitative X-ray powder diffraction was used to evaluate the chemical and mineral composition of Itakpe iron ore tailings. The aim is to offer …
Tailings Table 5 shows the chemical analysis of iron ore tailings. ... This indicates that fine aggregates can be replaced with IOT without impairing the compressive strength of such concrete.
Iron Ore Tailings as Partial Replacement for Fine Aggregate in Concrete Production – Review August 2022 International Journal of Engineering and Management Research 12(4):64-71
CHEMICAL AND MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF ITAKPE IRON ORE MINE WASTES (TAILINGS) Alabi, O.O., Gbadamosi, Y., Olatunji T. A. and Ola-Omole O.O ... the ore matrix. EDX analysis of regions ...
Iron ore tailings (IOTs) are a form of solid waste produced during the beneficiation process of iron ore concentrate. In this paper, iron recovery from IOTs was studied at different points during a process involving pre-concentration followed by direct reduction and magnetic separation. Then, slag-tailing concrete composite admixtures were prepared from high-silica …
The chemical analyses show that the tailings are weakly acidic and neutral with low organic matter. The energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy analysis of the samples shows …
The chemical analyses show that the tailings are weakly acidic and neutral with low organic matter. The energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy analysis of the …
The iron ore tailings were dried at a temperature of 30 ± 2°C for a minimum of 40 h prior to testing [37,38], while particles of different sizes (see Table 1) were obtained using standard ASTM ...
Monitoring degraded areas is essential for evaluation of the quality of the rehabilitation process. In this study, we evaluate how the physical and chemical characteristics of the mixture of iron ore tailings with the soil have affected the soil microbial biomass and activity in areas along the Gualaxo do Norte River after the Fundão Dam disaster. Composite soil …
sintering characteristics of itakpe and agbaja iron ore concentrates blends by suleiman, idawu yakubu m.sc/eng/57508/05-06 a thesis submitted to the post graduate
The preparation of iron ore tailings (IOTs) into supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) is an effective approach to achieve value-added utilization of industrial solid waste. This study systematically investigates the hydration pattern and strength development of Portland cement systems with the incorporation of IOTs, steel slag (SS), granulated blast-furnace slag …
Various types of mine waste such as iron ore tailings [49, 50], coal gangue [51], garnet tailings from molybdenum mines [52], tungsten mine tailing [53], sulphide mine tailings [54], nickel ...
120 Cummulative weight % retained 100 80 Size analysis of Iron ore Size analysis of quartz 60 40 20 0 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 500 Sieve size (mm) Fig. 1 SIZE ANALYSIS GRAPH FOR THE ORE Separation effectiveness: The results, as shown in Tables 4, 5, and 6 and Figures 4, 5 and 6, revealed that iron ore concentrate (underflow) was effectively ...
Samples of Itakpe Iron Ore waste dump (tailings) were collected using random sampling method from different locations at the tailings dump sites of National Iron Ore Mining Company (NIOMCO)...
The resulting material has a self-cementing tendency, and the finely ground portion may be added to cement to produce a Equatorial Journal of Engineering (2018) Conclusion The results obtained from this work showed that with …
Physicochemical Characterization of Iron Ore Tailings. The chemical and mineralogical composition of the IOT generated in the iron ore beneficiation process depends mainly on the mineralogy of the processed rock, ... The tailings analysis indicated the presence of 44% of iron. Four materials were obtained and presented morphology and structure ...
This article analyzed the existing circuit and undertook specific recovery tests on the tailing material using simple hindered settling and floatation process for the recovery of fine iron …
Tailings from the mine waste dumps at Itakpe iron ore mine were collected and analysed in the laboratory to determine their chemical and physical characteristics and these include; permeability, porosity, specific gravity, particle size distribution, chemical composition and bioavailability factor of element.
The Itakpe iron ore processing plant in Nigeria presently produces a tail sometimes containing up to 22% iron minerals mostly natural fines in the ore and fines produced inevitably during comminution.
Several authors have studied the iron ore deposit of Itakpe and have reported various findings about the deposit yet the economic liberation have not been reported in the literatures.