Germany vs. Estonia: UEFA Euro 2020 qualifying …

Germany 6-0 Estonia. Ojamaa comes off the bench for Zenjov - he's been the most dangerous of the visitors players this evening. 70' CHANCE!! Germany 6-0 Estonia.


First name Henrik Last name Ojamaa Nationality Estonia Date of birth 20 May 1991 Age 33 Country of birth Estonia Place of birth Tallinn Position Attacker Height

VKG Aidu Oil OÜ obtains mining permit for Ojamaa mining …

The oil shale resource at the Ojamaa field is of the highest quality of the oil shale not mined so far. According to the conditions of the mining permit the mine would allow for producing up to 2.5 million tonnes of oil shale a year. The room-and-pillar mining method will be used for the extraction of oil shale.

President Ilves opens the first new oil shale mine in 40 years

President Ilves acknowledged the 440 miners and engineers of the Ojamaa mine. VKG, which has more than 2,000 employees, is the largest Estonian oil shale processing …

Triinu OJAMAA | Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu

Triinu OJAMAA | Cited by 35 | of Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu | Read 10 publications | Contact Triinu OJAMAA


In our everyday activities, we follow the requirements prescribed in legal acts, conventions and agreements of Estonia and the European Union. ... A remarkable project is the closed-system oil shale belt conveyor built by VKG Kaevandused in 2010–2012 between the Ojamaa mine and the Kohtla-Järve industrial zone. The 12.5-km overland conveyor ...

Estonian government secretly commits to ending oil shale …

The Estonian government has committed to completely phasing out the use of oil shale in energy production by 2040 in a decision that has been kept confidential up to now.

4.1. The role of language in Estonian national identity

Estonian origin is important also in the case of the third emigration wave: it is a sort of cultural capital, or baggage which is impossible to get rid of, and is frequently expressed by respondents with an affirmation echoing a beloved patic song: 'Estonian I am - and Estonian I will remain' (Ojamaa & Karu-Kletter 2014).

WUD Estonia on LinkedIn: Pärt Ojamaa: Shaping Public …

🚀 Throwback to World Usability Day Estonia 2023 conference talks! 🚀 We were honoured to have Pärt Ojamaa from Nortal speak at WUD Estonia 2023. His talk explored the impact of ...


VKG Kaevandused OÜ is a subsidiary of Viru Keemia Grupp AS, whose main activity is oil shale mining. VKG Kaevandused OÜ owns: mining permit in Ojamaa mining area, which covers 1,694.21 ha and has oil shale reserves of 58.68 million tons; mining permit in Sompa mining area, which covers 3,379.77 ha and has oil shale reserves of 20.044 million tons; mining permit in …

Technological module at the Ojamaa mine

Design and delivery of technological Module at the Ojamaa mine: Completed in : 2010: Design and delivery of technological complex consisting of a belt conveyor, hopper and feeder and belt conveyor. Material : oil shale: Capacity : 2000 t/h . Esfitech. Lõõtsa 1a, Tallinn 11415, Estonia +372 627 9663 [email protected] .


shale and peat are used for generating energy, but their mining has mainly local importance. The northeastern part of Estonia is the region where the Estonia oil shale deposit is located and where oil shale underground mines and opencasts are concentrated. The impact of oil shale mining on water ecosystem depends on

Main conveyor at the Ojamaa mine

Design and delivery of parts for main underground belt conveyor at the Ojamaa mine conveyor length 3150 m and power 4×500 kW. Material : oil shale: Capacity : 2000 t/h . Esfitech. Lõõtsa 1a, Tallinn 11415, Estonia +372 627 9663 [email protected] .


ireland navan tara mine + north mine qme lead and zinc ireland navan tara mine boliden lead and zinc estonia ojamaa ojamaa mine vkg oil shale estonia estonia underground mine eesti energy oil shale finland nivala hitura mines belvedere resources ltd nickel gabon mounana gisement d'uranium comuf uranium india tata steel iron

World's Largest Hoberman Sphere – Tartu, Estonia

The world's largest Hoberman sphere hangs from the ceiling of the AHHAA Science Center in Tartu, Estonia, its form expanding and contracting in a hypnotic display of biomimicry.. In 1992, the ...

Ministry stalling a right of use permit needed by VKG oil …

Estonian oil shale chemistry company VKG is preparing an €100 million investment to open its Uus-Kiviõli oil shale mine in 2026, while the plan has ground to a halt …

Contemporary Reviews of Mine Water Studies in Europe

During the next decade changes are expected in the western area of the active part of the Estonia oil shale deposit since Ojamaa mine started to dewater the oil shale layer and ... The abandoned Lemberg and Königsberg mines extracted mercury ore from the Saar-Nahe Basin in southwestern Germany. Mining ceased more than 70 years ago. Different ...

Hikes at Aidu

Aidu/Ojamaa is located in the Ida-Viru County, on the edge of big forests. The unique 34 km2 hiking area is a mine with renewable nature. The area is unique because it offers possibilities to go for a hike on water, in the desert, or to the …

More than 10 million tons of oil shale mined in Estonia in 2022

More than half, or 6.2 million tons, was mined by Enefit Power, a subsidiary of the Estonian state-owned energy group Eesti Energia. Of underground mines, Enefit Power's …

Oil shale pyrolysis products and the fate of

Owned by Viru Keemia Grupp, the Ojamaa opencast mine in the Eesti deposit has been actively exploited since 2009 and is the main raw material supplier for shale oil producers today [7]. In this paper, oil shale from the Ojamaa mine was used as a research object. Firstly, Ojamaa was chosen as its optimal location, almost mid-Estonia, was attractive.

Fields of acivity

The excavation of oil shale at VKG takes place at the Ojamaa mine, which is the most recent in Europe and the first new mine in Estonia that was built after regaining independence. Since …

(PDF) Usage of Estonian oil shale | Ingo Valgma

Abstract: Estonian oil shale has been used for 90 years mainly for electricity and oil generation with the ash being used for cement and light brick production. The oil shale usage has always been related to available mining and processing

Estonian president opens the first new oil shale mine in 40 …

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves opened on Thursday the Ojamaa oil shale mine in North East Estonia which is the first new oil shale mine opened in Estonia in 40 years, …

Ojamaa mine | Localities | Geocollections

portal for geoscience data from Estonia. Provides direct search capabilities to SARV information system and links to other data sources

Technical-Economic Parameters of the New Oil Shale Mining…

Information on the mine being projected in the region of Ojamaa in the northeast of Estonia was taken as the data of the worthwhile supplier. Oil shale processing chemical complex is considered in two structural alternatives: in technological chain with the "Estonia" mine (the first variant), and with the projected mine of a new technical ...

4 Fields of activity

The excavation of oil shale at VKG takes place at the Ojamaa mine, which is the most recent in Europe and the first new mine in Estonia that was built after regaining independence. Since …

Oil shale pyrolysis products and the fate of sulfur

Owned by Viru Keemia Grupp, the Ojamaa opencast mine in the Eesti deposit has been actively exploited since 2009 and is the main raw material supplier for shale oil producers today [7]. In this paper, oil shale from the Ojamaa mine was used as a research object. Firstly, Ojamaa was chosen as its optimal location, almost mid-Estonia, was attractive.

Main conveyor at the Ojamaa mine

Design and delivery of parts for main underground belt conveyor at the Ojamaa mine conveyor length 3150 m and power 4×500 kW. Material : oil shale: Capacity : 2000 t/h . Esfitech. Lõõtsa 1a, Tallinn 11415, Estonia +372 627 9663 …


The excavation of oil shale at VKG takes place at the Ojamaa mine, which is the most recent in Europe and the first new mine in Estonia that was built after regaining independence. Since the layer of oil shale is deposited in the bed that is more than 30 metres deep, under-ground extraction is used at Ojamaa.