Contrasting Tectonic Settings and Sulfur Contents of …

Porphyry Cu ± Mo ± Au and iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits share many similarities (e.g., Fe, Cu, and Au contents), but also have important differences (e.g., the predominance of sulfide minerals in porphyry deposits and iron oxides in IOCG deposits). Genetic comparisons are complicated by the broad definition of IOCG deposits; here we restrict our …

Formation of Large Native Sulfur Deposits Does Not …

Bioepigenetic native sulfur deposits can be enormous, with sizes reaching 89 and 500 million tons of native sulfur for caprock and stratabound deposits, respectively (Long, 1992a,b).It has been estimated that approximately four barrels of oil (∼560 kg) or 72,000 cubic feet of methane (∼1300 kg) are needed to form one metric ton of native sulfur (Ruckmick et …

(PDF) Trace Element Geochemistry of Pyrite from Bitumen …

In this study, we focus on pyrite from bitumen-bearing stratabound Cu-(Ag) deposits from northern Chile to assess the formation conditions of these deposits by using a combination of electron ...

Regional Geologic Setting of Epithermal Gold Deposits, …

Epithermal gold deposits in Chile are Cretaceous to Cenozoic in age. The ores and the ... Neogene hydrothermal alteration zones and native sulfur deposits associated with composite volcanoes ...

Formation of giant iron oxide-copper-gold deposits by

Iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits are a globally important source of copper, gold and critical commodities. Despite their relevance, IOCG deposits remain an ill-defined clan, with a range of ...

Ore Geology Reviews

posit and hand specimen scale, and suggests a polygenic sulfur source for these deposits, where bacteriogenic sulfide dominates. While sulfur isotope data for the bulk of Jurassic CMT deposits, northern Chile, suggests a predominant magmatic source in their origin (mean = −2.7 ± 1.9‰,1σ), contributions of a magmatic

Mineralogic and Stable Isotope Zonation at the Surface …

We examined in detail the mineralogic and stable isotope characteristics of alteration minerals exposed at the surface of the El Salvador porphyry copper deposit. A total of 276 samples was collected from 203 localities over an area of >5 km 2 at elevations between 2,900 and 3,300 m. The alteration assemblages can be separated into two groups, broadly …


Such volcanic deposits are currently mined in Indonesia, Chile, and Japan. Sicily is also famous for its sulfur mines. Significant deposits of elemental sulfur also exist in salt domes along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and in evaporites in eastern Europe and western Asia.

Genetic Aspects of the Manto‐type Copper …

The noticeably negative isotope ratios of primary sulfide sulfur and hydrothermal calcite carbon of some central area deposits indicate influx of sedimentary rock components, and the high 87 Sr/ 86 Sr initial ratios of …


Strata-bound, manto-type copper deposits of Chile are a major source of copper, and some deposits (e.g., Mantos Blancos, El Soldado) contain as much metal as do large porphyry copper deposits elsewhere. El Soldado (200 Mt @ 1.35% Cu), the largest manto-type copper deposit in the Coastal Cordillera of central Chile, is hosted by the rhyodacite-basalt upper member of the …

The porphyry copper deposit at El Salvador, Chile

The porphyry copper deposit at El Salvador, Chile B. Gustafson and John P. Hunt The porphyry copper deposit at El Salvador, Chile ... Anhydrite deposition occurred through the entire history of primary mineralization, and probably more sulfur was fixed as sulfate in anhydrite than in sulfides. Outward within a central .... ISSN: 0361-0128 ...

Topic 7: Sulfur Ore Deposits

Important sedimentary sulfur deposits occur near Knibyshev, Sukeievo, and Chekur in Russia. The occurrences consist of thin gypsum beds with layers ... Chile, and Japan. Such deposits are ...

Neoformation of exotic copper minerals from gel-like

At the Exótica deposit, south of the giant porphyry copper deposit of Chuquicamata (Atacama Desert, Chile), Cu-rich groundwater seeped out at several locations in the Exótica open pit (Mina Sur) during sampling in 2009–2011. At their outflows, these solutions formed blueish and greenish copper-bearing gel-like precipitates. These gels contained …

Formation of giant iron oxide-copper-gold deposits by …

Geology of the Candelaria-Punta del Cobre district. The Candelaria-Punta del Cobre district is located south of the city of Copiapó in northern Chile and comprises more than nine active IOCG mines, all interpreted to be part of the same hydrothermal system 6 (Fig. SM 1, Supplemental Material).IOCG deposits in this district are spatially and temporally associated …

Genesis of the Volcan Copiapo Sulphur Deposits, Maricunga …

The largest cone in this complex, Volcan Copiapo or Azufre, has many voluminous sulphur deposits which contain porous sulphur impregnated bodies, hydrothermal breccia vents, silica …

Geology, mineralization and sulfur isotopes

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Geology, mineralization and sulfur isotopes geochemistry of the Mari Cu (Ag) Manto-type deposit, northern Zanjan, Iran" by S. Maghfouri et al. ... Strata-bound, manto-type copper deposits of Chile are a major source of copper, and some deposits (e.g., Mantos Blancos, El Soldado) contain as much metal as do ...

Sulfur isotope and trace element systematics of zoned pyrite …

We compared the in situ isotopic and trace element chemistry of early, massive pyrite crystals hosting enargite–tennantite mineralization from high-temperature feeder zones …

Sulfur isotope and trace element systematics of zoned pyrite …

We present a comparative study between early, massive pyrite preceding (Cu–Ag) sulfosalt mineralization in high-temperature feeder zones ('early pyrite') and late pyrite that formed during silicic alteration associated with Au deposition ('late pyrite') at the El Indio high-sulfidation Au–Ag–Cu deposit, Chile. We use coupled in situ sulfur isotope and trace element analyses to ...

Extremely negative and inhomogeneous sulfur isotope signatures in

While sulfur isotope data for the bulk of Jurassic CMT deposits, northern Chile, suggests a predominant magmatic source in their origin (mean = − 2.7 ± 1.9‰, 1σ), contributions of a magmatic component is only likely to be involved at Melipilla–Naltahua deposit.

Extremely negative and inhomogeneous sulfur isotope signatures in

While sulfur isotope data for the bulk of Jurassic CMT deposits, northern Chile, suggests a predominant magmatic source in their origin (mean = -2.7 ± 1.9‰, 1σ), contributions of a magmatic component is only likely to be involved at Melipilla-Naltahua deposit.


MAGMATIC ANHYDRITE IN PLUTONIC ROCKS AT THE EL TENIENTE Cu-Mo DEPOSIT, CHILE, AND THE ROLE OF SULFUR- AND COPPER-RICH MAGMAS IN ITS FORMATION Charles R. Stern; Charles R. Stern ... during a late Miocene period of regional compressive deformation with no coeval volcanic activity in the area of the deposit, which …

Geology of the Altamira and Las Luces deposits, Coastal …

While sulfur isotope data for the bulk of Jurassic CMT deposits, northern Chile, suggests a predominant magmatic source in their origin (mean = − 2.7 ± 1.9‰, 1σ), contributions of a magmatic ...

Volcanic Sulfur Deposits in the Andes of Northern Chile

Native sulfur occurrences, which are very common in the Andes of northern Chile (18–28° S lat), are usually found directly related to summits, craters, and/or along flanks in almost all Upper Cenozoic volcanic edifices, mainly as sulfur mantos, breccias, veins, and amygdaloidal fillings.

Contrasting Tectonic Settings and Sulfur Contents of

For example, ore-forming magmas in the giant Carmen de Andacollo Cu (-Au) deposits in Chile contained approximately 88 to 160 ppm dissolved sulfur within the magma chamber (Richards et al., 2017 ...

Frontiers | Formation of Large Native Sulfur Deposits Does …

Figure 1. Sketches of classical epigenetic salt diapir caprock and stratabound sulfur deposit types. (A) Oxygen is delivered to the site where native sulfur is formed by infiltration of meteoric water. On its journey to the location where native sulfur is formed, O 2 has to pass hydrocarbon bearing strata. Solubility of O 2 may decrease with depth due to increased salinity.

IOCG Mineralization in the Mantoverde District, Chile: Sr …

In this contribution, we describe the hypogene Fe-oxide Cu-Au mineralization and alteration in the Mantoverde district and discuss implications of new strontium and sulfur isotope data.

Geochemical and Isotopic Signature of Pyrite as a Proxy for …

deposit in northern Chile was used as an independent refer- ence for quantifying synchrotron µ -XRF measurements (del Real et al., 2019), since there is currently no commercial pyrite

Frontiers | Physical and chemical characteristics of …

Native sulfur is a common constituent of Earth's volcanoes and is found in the solid phase within fumarolic deposits in response to persistent fumarolic activity.

Extremely negative and inhomogeneous sulfur isotope …

b) Sulfur produced by bacteriogenic sulfate reduction: originally postulated by Spiro and Puig (1988) and Munizaga et al. (1994) for some Lower Cretaceous deposits and evolved by Wilson et al. (2003b) for the Lower Cretaceous El Soldado deposit. The genetic model proposed for El Soldado deposit considers two mineralizing

Contrasting Tectonic Settings and Sulfur Contents of …

In the Mesozoic Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile, both porphyry and IOCG deposits occur in close spatial and temporal proximity, offering the chance to examine what controls their …

Sulfur isotopes in the porphyry copper deposit at El Salvador, Chile

Speculative interpretation suggests that Late sulfur was derived either from remobilization of Early assemblages below the deepest levels of exposure or from volcanic wall rocks surrounding the deposit, rather than from continued emanations from the underlying magma chamber that was the source of Early mineralization.

(PDF) Sulfur isotope and trace element systematics of zoned pyrite

Sulfur isotope and trace element systematics of zoned pyrite crystals from the El Indio Au–Cu–Ag deposit, Chile March 2016 Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 171(4)

Magmatic Evolution of Granodiorite Intrusions at the El …

Magmatic Evolution of Granodiorite Intrusions at the El Salvador Porphyry Copper Deposit, Chile, ... Gulch are apparently directly linked to magmatic degassing at ~700°C to produce large amounts of ore-forming copper, sulfur, and chlorine-enriched magmatic-hydrothermal aqueous fluids.

(PDF) Formation of Large Native Sulfur Deposits Does Not …

Large native (i.e., elemental) sulfur deposits can be part of caprock assemblages found on top of or in lateral position to salt diapirs and as stratabound mineralization in gypsum and anhydrite ...