Iron Ore Pelletizing Process: An Overview

This chapter aims to provide an overview and the evolution of iron ore pelletizing process including: Pelletizing process and raw materials. Balling technologies. Bonding mechanisms. Evolution of binders for iron ore …

Reduction characteristics of cold-agglomerated pellets in …

There is a significant and necessary drive towards reducing CO 2 emissions produced by iron and steelmaking industries. Binding Solutions Ltd has developed a technology to contribute to the reduction of CO 2 in the short and long term, by introducing a cold-bonded iron ore pellet to the furnace burden. Binding Solutions' cold-agglomerated pellets, manufactured …

Iron Ore Pelletization: A Critical Review of Processes and

Iron ore pelletization is a critical aspect of the steel manufacturing process, providing a method to utilize fine iron ore particles and beneficiate lower grade ores, which enhances the overall output and efficiency of steel production processes. Pelletization involves converting iron ore fines into compact pellets, which are then used in blast furnaces or direct reduction iron processes ...

Pelletising – Hub of pelletizing industry's people

Pelletising is a Technical Hub Connecting Global Forces in Iron Ore Pelletising Industry From all Disciplines Including Scientists & Researchers, Technology Providers, EPCs, Suppliers and Operation Teams. Please send your interest, idea and questions to: interest[at]pelletising and one of our specialists will call you to discuss the ...

From Australian iron ore to green steel: the opportunity for technology …

Australian iron ore is predominantly exported and used for steelmaking internationally. However, steelmaking is an energy-and carbon-intensive heavy industry, and its electrification in the coming ...

What is Iron Ore Pelletizing? How It Worked? An In-depth …

Iron ore pelletizing is an essential industrial process that transforms powdery iron ore into uniform, robust pellets, serving as a premium feedstock for blast furnaces and direct reduction reactors. This process has witnessed significant advancements since its inception, primarily driven by the escalating requirements of the steel industry, which demands higher …


Pelletization is a process in mining operations through which iron ore fines are transformed into an agglomerated form called iron ore pellets. Boosting production capacity. Menu ... With strength and expertise in both straight grate …


Pelletization is the process of transforming iron ore fines into spherical pellets through agglomeration and induration. These pellets are then used as feed to a blast furnace or direct reduction systems to produce iron.

Beneficiation Plants and Pelletizing Plants for Utilizing …

1. Iron ore - supply and demand outline 1.1 Types of iron ore Iron ores can be classified in different ways. The most important has to do with the iron content. In many cases, ore with a total iron content of 60% to 63%, or greater, is regarded as high grade, and ore with a lower iron content is regarded as low grade.


Figure 3 – Total pelletizing capacity ever built vs. type of ore vs. technology ( 1, 3 ) Pelletizing is the most engineered agglomeration technology.

Pelletizing Technology

Customer Pro Minerals Pvt. Ltd., India. Type of plant Circular Pelletizing Plant (191 m²), output 1.0 mtpy. Our solution Our solution for the production of merchant pellets was devised as a green-field installation of a Circular Pelletizing Plant (CPT), including several associated facilities such as units for grinding and filtration and a beneficiation plant for upgradation of low-grade iron ...

Decarbonizing the iron and steel industry: A systematic …

In the manufacturing of these essential goods, iron and steel, necessitates huge energy inputs. As Fig. 1 indicates, the iron and steel sector used 33.57 Exajoules of energy in 2018 [3], and energy cost constitutes a significant portion of steel manufacturing costs, ranging from 20% to 40% [4], which explains why many decarbonization options are related to energy …

Guidelines for Selecting Pellet Plant Technology

As greater amounts of fine iron ore concentrates enter the marketplace, new investments in iron ore pelletising capacity are inevitable to deliver these concentrates to steel industry consumers. When investors assess the two well-proven pelletising technologies, the straight grate and grate-kiln, the most appropriate choice may not be immediately evident. …

The Iron Ore Challenge for Direct Reduction On Road to …

Figure 3 shows a comparison of the IEA and WSD views and the related iron ore demand of between 400 and 600 mt by 2050, compared to about 160 mt in 2019. From the quantitative perspective, iron ore supply should not be an issue, with BF iron production falling from just under 1.3 billion tonnes in 2019 to 665 mt by 2050 per IEA's SDS (see Figure 1).

Pelletization Solutions

to produce iron. is the only OEM in the world to offer both Straight Grate and Grate-Kiln technologies, therefore ensuring our customers get the best technology fit for their specific ore and product requirements. With strength and expertise in both Straight Grate and Grate-Kiln technologies, 's equipment, parts and services for

Iron Ore Pelletization: Part I. Fundamentals | Request PDF

Iron ore pellets are an essential part of the blast furnace charge, with high grade, good strength, uniform particle size, good metallurgical properties, and so forth. 1, 2 Especially, fluxed iron ...

Iron ore & pelletizing technology

Pelletizing of iron ore concentrates in pelletizing discs leads to narrow grain size distributed pellets with smooth surface. Pelletizing – how? The process chamber of a pelletizing disc is made by an inclined, rotating, flat cylindrical pan.

Understanding Pellets and Pellet Plant …

Equipped with advanced environmental technology, they are virtually pollution free, generating no solid or liquid residues. History of pelletization. ... Iron ore pellets. The iron ore pellets may be acid or basic …

Pelletizing plant

Pelletizing is the process of converting very fine iron ores into spheres (normally 8mm-20mm in diameter), known as pellets. These pellets are suitable for both blast furnaces and direct iron reduction processes.[1][2] Iron ore pellets are manufactured by mixing beneficiated iron ore fines or natural iron ore fines with additives, then being processed into green pellets, and …

Iron ore pelletizing

Our iron ore pelletizing systems combine the best features of both technologies to provide the most modern plant and to produce pellets at the lowest cost and highest quality. Pellet plants …

The Aerodynamics of an Iron Ore Pelletizing Rotary Kiln

This paper summarizes more than a decade of systematic studies of the flow field in an iron ore pelletizing rotary kiln using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) on simplified models of a real kiln. Physical, laser-based experiments have been performed to validate part of the numerical results. The objective is a better understanding of the kiln aerodynamics and, by …

Low-Carbon Development for the Iron and Steel Industry …

The low-carbon development of China's iron and steel industry (ISI) is important but challenging work for the attainment of China's carbon neutrality by 2060. However, most previous studies related to the low-carbon development of China's ISI are fragmented from different views such as production-side mitigation, demand-side mitigation, or mitigation …

DR-Grade Iron Ore Pellets

Elevated levels of Chinese steel production propped up the global demand for iron ore in 2016, since China accounts for close to two-thirds of the global seaborne iron ore trade. Global iron ore production grew 5% year-on-year in 2016, to a total of 2,106 million tons. Lump ore production increased 26 million tons to make up 15% of global ...

Kiruna Iron Ore Mine, Sweden

The current main haulage level at the mine is 1,365m underground. Ore processing takes place in three concentrating plants and three pelletising plants. The mine produces more than 75,000t of iron ore a day. The processed iron ore products are transported to Narvik port via the Malmbanan and Ofotbanen mine railway lines.

Low-carbon production of iron and steel: Technology options, economic

DRI is a proven technology to use H 2-rich gas for steel making from iron ore, producing over a 100 million tons of iron and ultimately over 90 million tons of steel in 2018. The reducing gas used for DRI production is syngas, produced from either coal gasification or SMR.


The technology of pelletizing iron ore has been used for decades. The basic principles are the same, but there is still space for improvement. The experts from HAVER & BOECKER NIAGARA the Sales Manager Dr. Metodi Zlatev and the pelletizingng expert Dr. Jan Lampke explain these improvements in an exclusive expert interview

Iron Ore Pelletization

Pelletizing, or balling, carried out through either a disc pelletizer or rotary drum, is a key part of efficiently and sustainably producing steel from iron ore fines of varying sources. FEECO is a leader in feasibility testing, custom disc …

Iron ore pelletization

The ratio in the output from the three main pelletizing technologies changes depending on practical circumstances, such as iron ore reserves, iron ore types, market demand, and required investment. The ratio for grate-kiln pellets has increased to 55.33% in 2011 from 7.21% in 2000, while the ratio for shaft furnace pellets has dropped to 42.05% ...

Indian iron ore pelletising licence agreement for Primetals

The agreement means that Primetals Technologies can further strengthen its offering of iron ore pelletizing plants for customers in India. The license provides Primetals Technologies the exclusive right to develop pelletizing plants in India based on SG-IOP reference projects with grate sizes ranging from 272 to 816 square metres implemented in …