Frontiers | Environmental Impacts of the Deep-Water Oil …

Introduction. Exploration of oil and gas deposits is now a global industrial activity in the deep ocean. As easily accessible oil and gas resources became depleted, and technology improved, the oil and gas industry expanded into deeper waters in recent decades (Figure 1).However, this deep-water expansion has not always been matched by legislation that …

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: How Drilling for Oil Could Impact …

And the impacts may not remain local. "Birds migrate there from all over the world," says Boelman. "If something happens to their breeding grounds, it will impact the rest of the planet." The area designated for drilling (ANWR's North Slope) is also a key calving ground for caribou. Females return there year after year to give birth ...

Impacts of oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge …

Several oil companies proposed limiting their activity in the Refuge to the winter only in an attempt to minimize their environmental impacts, as this would benefit the majority of species in the area. ... the administration reversed the stand and approved the first part of the Arctic Drilling proposal letting Shell's plan to start drilling ...

Why Drilling the Arctic Refuge Will Release a …

In the renewed debate over drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, one troubling impact of oil development has been overlooked: Disrupting the annual caribou migration will have a profound effect on the soil and …

Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the effectiveness of mining

Background Mining activities, including prospecting, exploration, construction, operation, maintenance, expansion, abandonment, decommissioning and repurposing of a mine can impact social and environmental systems in a range of positive and negative, and direct and indirect ways. Mining can yield a range of benefits to societies, but it may also cause conflict, …

The fight to protect Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

VIEW MAPS & DATA. JUMP TO TIMELINE. Overview. For the past four decades, groups of Alaska Natives including the Gwich'in and Iñupiat, international institutions including the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the US government, the state of Alaska, and environmental groups have debated whether or not oil extraction should …

Climate change

Summer Arctic sea ice extent is shrinking by 13% per decade and the sea ice cover continues to be younger and thinner. The declines in sea ice thickness and extent, along with changes in the timing of ice melt, are putting animals that are particularly ice-dependent—such as narwhals, polar bears and walrus—at risk.

Arctic Oil Drilling: History, Consequences, and Outlook

Democrats, native tribes in the area and environmental groups have long opposed the government's plan to open the refuge to oil and gas drilling, arguing that it will not only cause an increase in greenhouse gas …

Chapter 11 Fossil Fuels Flashcards

Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A thick, asphalt-like oil that permeates tar sands is:, All of the following are arguments against oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge EXCEPT:, Anthracite coal and more.

Stop Offshore Drilling

Simply put, offshore drilling is the process of drilling into the ocean floor to access pockets of oil and gas that lie underneath. About 14.6 percent of crude oil and 2.3 percent of gas in the ...

Oil and Gas in the U.S. Arctic | American …

Regulation of U.S. Arctic Drilling. Oil and gas development on federal land is regulated by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. ... Although improvements have been made, the safety and environmental impacts of offshore oil and gas …

Oil Extraction and Environmental Consequences

In this story map, I will focus on the geographical distribution of oil extraction sites worldwide, the economic significance of these regions, and the environmental consequences, including deforestation, water pollution, and …

Frozen no more, a case study of Arctic permafrost impacts …

The Willow Project environmental impact report suggests substantial damage to critical fish stocks, polar bears, ungulates, raptors, walruses, seals, and numerous endangered whales caused by the ...

The Arctic Refuge is opening for oil drilling. …

More importantly, the economic winds are blowing against Arctic drilling. Oil prices are low, the cost of drilling in the Arctic is high, and after a year of devastating fires, floods, heat waves ...

The Arctic Tundra Case Study

Describe and explain the management strategies used to moderate the impacts of the oil and gas industry, including: Elevated buildings and pipelines ; Insulated pads ; Refrigerated supports ; Lateral drilling ; Remote exploration ; Arctic Council 2013 ; Nature Reserves ; Polar Code 2017 ; US Government banning ; the sale of drilling rights

Oil versus climate change: The economics of …

There are potentially billions of dollars in untapped oil and gas reserves in the Arctic. But, there is value in keeping the region untouched, too.

Is Arctic drilling worth the risk? | World Finance

The Battle for Ownership. The Arctic Circle's surrounding seas are, according to the 2008 United States Geological Survey, home to about 20 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and natural gas resources.Ownership of the region has been an ongoing issue for the best part of a century, with Canada first extending its maritime boundaries in 1925, shortly followed by Russia in 1926.

Climate change is causing dramatic impacts in …

Climate change is causing dramatic impacts in the Arctic, ... The group works with a network of coastal Indigenous observers to document long-term environmental change and impacts in northern Alaska.

The Energy and Climate Impacts of Oil Drilling in the …

Arctic drilling and fuel economy rollbacks are a one-two punch that together will raise the price of gasoline at the pump, increase oil exports to Asia, and increase our oil dependency, making …

Drilling, Climate Change Could Cause Extinctions in Alaska …

Impacts of oil and gas drilling developments could worsen the effects of climate change on species in the Arctic refuge, the Bureau of Land Management said. - Articles from The Weather Channel ...

The Willow Project and its impacts on Indigenous communities

What are the environmental impacts of the Willow Project? "This extraction, which ConocoPhillips has said may, ironically, involve refreezing the rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost to stabilize drilling equipment, would create one of the largest "carbon bombs" on US soil, potentially producing more than twice as many emissions than all ...

The Long, Long Battle for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge …

The National Environmental Policy Act requires the EIS to consider the impact drilling would have on wildlife and Indigenous communities as well as alternative approaches that would minimize ...

Understanding Arctic oil drilling: the history, consequences and

The Arctic faces challenges and risks from both on and offshore drilling.Oil exploration in the Arctic first began more than a century ago, but its history has been complicated by technical challenges and environmental impacts, both regional and global.

Cold Hard Cache: The Arctic Drilling Controversy | Environmental …

The 1989 Exxon Valdez spill, which occurred roughly 400 miles south of the Arctic Circle, likely underestimates the full environmental impact of a blowout even farther to the north. "The Valdez was a horrible spill in a rich marine ecosystem, but you didn't have the oiling of the sea ice," Wetzel says. "If you taint sea ice with oil, you're never going to get rid of it.

Drilling Could Cause Extinctions in Alaskan Refuge, Government …

The final environmental impact statement for oil and gas leasing in ANWR, released on Thursday by the Bureau of Land Management, downplays the impact that drilling would have on the climate.

The Pros and Cons of Allowing Oil Exploration in Arctic …

The Arctic region, known for its vast reserves of natural resources, has become a focal point for oil exploration in recent years. While the potential economic benefits of tapping into these reserves are undeniable, it is crucial to consider the environmental impact and the long-term implications for energy security.

Tundra Threats Explained

Tundras are among the world's coldest, harshest biomes, with extreme temperatures and low rainfall.But these environments in the Arctic and on mountains are far from invulnerable, displaying sensitivity to human disruptions and climate change. Home to animals including Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus), polar bears (Ursus maritimus), gray wolves (Canis …

Alaska's senators criticize Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling …

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to dozens of species — and to an ongoing political fight over oil and gas. Now, the Biden administration is hoping ending oil and gas leases will be a ...

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge just got a …

Miller says the Trump administration's environmental review of oil and gas drilling in ANWR did not consider the impact it would have on climate change, nor did it adequately consult with tribes.

How would offshore oil and gas drilling in the …

While new drilling in U.S. Arctic waters are no longer an immediate risk, without permanent protections, these waters remain vulnerable. Take a look at how a handful of the Arctic's abundant wildlife would be impacted by …