Smasher Pvp Build Dragon Nest

Smasher Skill Guide level 40 & 50 in Dragon Nest. If Dignity is said to be great in team play and good per PVP. then her counterpart, the Smasher, is extremely efficiencies in PVP …


Available to Mystics at level 45, the War Mage celebrates an enemy's death by summoning a laser from the sky to deal damage to anything in her path. The more she gets to use her …

Level 60 Smasher Guide [T4] PvP/PvE Guide

Strength Users specializes are twos job advancement: Smasher and Majesty. Output of the pair Smashers would be one of the more favored class in Force User as they …

A mini guide to smashing as a smasher

IcicleRain's Blinding All-in-one Smasher guide List of Contents. 1. Introductions a) Who I am b) My stats c) Comparison between the classes d) Video Showcase 2. Class Capabilities and limitations a) Smasher brief b) Capabilities c) Limitations 3. Skill Details...

Need help with Smasher PVE Build.

Need help with Smasher PVE Build. 09-09-2018, 09:44 AM. Can someone who is familiar with Smasher send me the skill tree and equipment's needed for Smasher PVE Build? ... Accesories: Chiron Accesories from Nest Points are a good starter pack. Labrynth are also good if you get the stats you need (INT/Magic Attack). Heraldry: Just pick the basic ...

Dragon Nest CN Smasher T4 Build

Dragon Nest CN Smasher T4 Build by Dyhakys First I have to say, don't follow this build blindly. It fits my playstyle, which means it doesn't have to fit yours. ... If we ever get the separated PvE PvP build system I think about leaving time …

Looking for Smasher Skill Build [Pure PVE]

I would recomend you to take your croud control skills too. Max time stop and get at least lvl1 gravity trap. Those skills will help you clear hero's battlefield easier, since enemies there, are receiving full debuff effects.

Fundamentals of Saleana

Skills of Saleana does have long casting time making them vulnerable and with that regards skill Rotation varies on every aspect of what the events are inside nest/PVP rooms. Skill Build the author believes that Saleana has a very neat Skill Tree [e] and there is no need to discuss it. In depth skill analysis. Introduction: What is a Saleana?

WarMage/Smasher help

One major thing about your build, c45peacemaker, is that you definitely don't need to invest in to any chaos mage skills past gravity blast because you literally don't need anymore fillers this cap with awakening war mage.Even gravity blast itself is just an sp dump filler. Also dont invest so heavily into time dodge, its only to recover stagger.

Zero to hero guide for improving in PvP

It's a comprehensive guide to help people understand where to go next while learning Dragon Nest PvP. ... (e.g all Assassins, Adept and her Magma Jump, Elestra and her Awakened Icy Shard, Smasher and her Awakened Nine Tail Laser etc) have a special trick that can be used in Captain or Rounds game mode. ... the build I'll tell you might be ...

Sorceress' Laboratory

Elestra PvP Skill Build and Guide? by MrEz98. Started by MrEz98, 03-04-2019, 06:25 AM. 0 responses. 570 views. 0 likes. Last Post. by MrEz98. ... Smasher/War Mage Element by Seriphamte/Kuroyamizu. Started by Seriphamte/Kuroyamizu, 01-12-2019, 12:50 AM. 5 responses. 2,204 views. 0 likes. Last Post.

Smasher/Skill Table

Summons laser that drops vertically from the sky. Laser slowly moves toward the front. Strengthens Nine Tail Laser, increasing damage and adds 3 additional lasers that fire straight …


Available to Mystics at level 45, the War Mage celebrates an enemy's death by summoning a laser from the sky to deal damage to anything in her path. The more she gets to use her lasers, the happier she is. Also known as Illumia in EU and Smasher overseas. Gender: Features: Wields and concentrates more on laser attacks, such as Linear Ray or Nine-Tail Laser. Her primary …

Dragon Nest SEA Majesty Force User PVE Guide

A Force User can advance into either a Majesty or a Smasher. Majesty will focus on the dark skill line while Smasher will go down the Laser skill line. My proposed build is a PVE build, taking …

Question: Which Sorceress specialization and why?

majesty is good for both pvp and pve, but slightly oriented to pvp. smasher is also good for both, but she does better damage compared to all the above classes, after sorc buff …

Elestra VS Smasher

Some knowledge of the nest is necessary to unleash Laser Ray's full potential, but she is still one of the easiest classes to play. In terms of PVP, Elestra is strong, but also common. Smasher is also strong by virtue of being a sorceress, but is rarer.

smasher pvp build dragon nest

Dragon Nest CN Smasher Build Guide by chaose5. Here is my latest build at lvl60, mainly for PVE only, with casual PVP. As compared to my previous build, i have …

Dragon Nest CN Smasher Build Guide

Dragon Nest CN Smasher Build Guide by chaose5. Here is my latest build at lvl60, mainly for PVE only, with casual PVP. As compared to my previous build, i have lesser Sp in dark skills and more Sp in non-elemental …

Dragon Nest SEA Majesty Force User PVE Guide

A Force User can advance into either a Majesty or a Smasher. Majesty will focus on the dark skill line while Smasher will go down the Laser skill line. My proposed build is a PVE build, taking on supportive and disabling roles in nest party, while dealing decent damage with mostly dark elemental skills. Majesty Build

Dragon Nest CN Smasher T4 Build

Dragon Nest CN Smasher T4 Build by Dyhakys. First I have to say, don't follow this build blindly. It fits my playstyle, which means it doesn't have to fit yours. And this build is neither full DPS nor full PvP oriented. (Will be …

Reaper PvP builds?

This is my Reaper PVP build. is there any known pvp build sites? btw whats the state of ripper in pvp? are we sub-par or one of the top dps class in pvp? Comment. Post Cancel. 1 comment #4. 1. DivineLion commented. 11-20-2016, 12:48 AM. Editing a comment. From what I seen, their hasn't been any lv 93 builds. ...

[Guide] Majesty (from NA)

Thank you for this guide. I just got back from a 2 year hiatus from DN. Maj/FU main since 24 cap. I'm starting again in PVE since I used to only PVP. This guide really helps especially the skill rotations. I just noticed that maj is too much instant/blink-dependent, leaving it to become very vulnerable.

Seph's Majesty Guide

- Updated skill builds to Lv.95 - Updated skill descriptions to reflect removal of EX instants in PvP - Added Class Mastery III description 8/12/17 - Updated introduction - Aesthetical update for better legibility ... and lmfao yeah although honestly I expected it to be on the smasher spec. Though it's so good to the point where playing on my ...

Defensio PvP build

Overcharge gives you the 20% phys dmg boost at max steam, and is nice to have for long drawn out fights or to prep yourself during a slow start to a round of group pvp Pressure burst gives you 30 seconds of ducking>step up spam to not only reduce taunting blow's cd but give you the 20%mdef buff which really helps when fighting all of the hard ...

Sorceress Training Grounds!

I'll probably stop by every now and then up here to assist with w/e, probably bug-related stuff. Most Awakening builds look the similar at Lv93, because the Awakenings were meant to get rid of most if not all hybrid builds between respective branches. It's going to be difficult trying to hybridize a build between PvP and PvE at Lv93 for most ...

Smasher | Dragon Nest SEA Wiki | Fandom

The Smasher is the secondary specialization class of the Force User, the other being the Majesty. Smashers are specialists in neutral-element, her powers manifesting as dazzling displays of …