Gold Panning Laws in Alaska – What Prospectors …

Key Takeaways: Understanding gold panning regulations in Alaska is essential to ensure compliance with the law. Obtaining the necessary permits and following the legal requirements for gold panning is crucial.; There …


Gold was found in Alaska as early as 1848 in Kenai River, on a peninsula with the same name, by a Russian mining engineer. After the United States purchased "Seward's Folly" and miners had left the disappointment of mining in the Cassiar gold locations, gold was discovered southeast of Juneau around Windham and Sumdum Bays.

The Ultimate Gold Prospecting Guide

Turns out Anvil Creek was the richest creek in the Nome gold rush and was the source for 5 of the 10 largest gold nuggets in Alaska. Wow! Our prospecting forefathers are telling us this creek is really rich! Then I need to determine if I can legally prospect there. Anvil Creek is already claimed up, but let's pretend like I got permission ...

Alaska Gold Panning Tour

Experience real Alaska gold panning, be a part of the living history of Fairbanks and make memories that will last a lifetime. At Gold Daughters, you will learn how to pan for gold using real Alaskan "paydirt". We play by the rule "finders …

Gold Panning Tours in Alaska | Gold Panning Vacation …

Alaska is known for its large salmon runs and barn door halibut. Now, we offer a full day of Gold Prospecting on a gold claim that has put many miners to work since 1886 on one of your days off. Ready to learn more about our gold panning vacation packages in Alaska?

Gold Panning in Alaska: Exploring the Last Frontier's Riches

History of Gold in Alaska Gold Rush in the 1800s. The history of gold in Alaska dates back to the 1800s when the first gold rush occurred. Prospectors from all over the country flocked to Alaska in search of riches. The discovery of gold in the Klondike region in 1896 further fueled the frenzy, leading to a massive influx of miners.

How to Sell Your Placer Gold | My Alaskan Life

Talk to jewelers in your area to find out where they sell their scrap gold, prospecting stores will have also contact information, as well your fellow gold miners. Selling Gold Nuggets. Every Alaska gold miner should know that a gold nugget sells for much more than the spot price of gold. Typically nuggets are sold for 2 to 3 times the spot ...

Detecting for gold in Alaska

"Nuggethunting General Prospecting Forums" Gold Nugget Hunting & Prospecting Forum ; Detecting for gold in Alaska Detecting for gold in Alaska. By bullseye February 13, 2011 in ... There is an Alaska gold forum that would likely be more only Alaska experience was at Moore Creek. ...

Exploring Alaska's golden mining future

While copper has the potential to be a major contributor to Alaska's economic future, this "new oil" of the low-carbon economy will be hard-pressed to beat out the old money being produced at current and coming gold mines across the Last Frontier. This is due in large part to Kinross Gold Corp.'s new "Kinross Alaska" strategy that is leveraging the...

Gold Highbanking: An Ounce a Day Mining the Beaches of …

She has been learning and exploring the world of gold prospecting with the help of seasoned professional gold miners while continuously learning more each day.She panned her first gold from the Bering Sea on the beaches of Nome, Alaska. Monica's been writing content and designing websites for over 15 years.

Five Places Where You Can Still Find Gold in the United States

Alaska has been a draw for prospectors since 1896, when gold was discovered in the Canadian Yukon, beginning the Klondike Gold Rush. Over 100,000 gold hunters migrated to the Yukon and Alaska to ...

Gold Panning

Prospecting for gold is a great recreational activity that people all around the world engage in. Crow Creek Mine invites guests to enjoy our productive and highly reputable gold-rich property. During your visit, you will come across some of our more serious & experienced Gold Miners. ... Alaska Resident / Military (With valid identification ...

BLM Alaska Panning for gold along the Dalton Highway …

ALASKA Panning for Gold along the Dalton Highway Cover and map photos: Prospectors on Myrtle Creek around 1900. Schrader, F. C. 402 and 406, USGS Bureau of Land Management Fairbanks District Offce 1150 University Avenue Fairbanks, Alaska 99709-3844 (907) 474-2200

Gold Mining in Alaska

Tons of gold have come out of the state over the last century, and plenty of the yellow stuff is still in the ground waiting to be found. With the high price of gold in recent years, the gold districts of Alaska are busier than ever, with miners …

Alaska Gold Prospecting and Gold Panning Tours

Call today and lets talk Alaska gold prospecting! Call Us 907-252-5464. Click Photo To View Gallery. Alaska Fishing and Lodging. 907-252-5464. 42520 Brenda Way. Soldotna, AK 99669. Captain's Blogs. Alaska Salmon Fishing; Rainbow Trout Fishing; Saltwater Fishing; Stories; Our Lodge Location.

Prospecting for Gold in the United States

One who contemplates prospecting for gold should realize that a successful venture does not necessarily mean large profits even if the discovery is developed into a producing mine. Although the price of gold has increased significantly since 1967 when the fixed price of $35 an ounce was terminated, the increases in the cost of virtually every ...

D E R P A R TM N OF G ICU L U E Gold Panning

Chugach National Forest portion of Alaska's Kenai Peninsula. Recreational gold panning on lands withdrawn from mineral entry is not a mining activity—it is a privilege. Be aware that panning, ... Good luck and good prospecting! 1 Gold – Significance and Use Throughout history, humans have been lured by the brightness and

Where, When & How to Pan For Gold | ALASKA.ORG

Keep your gold safe in a water-filled vial! There's plenty of gold still left in Alaska; here's our advice on how to pan for gold.

Alaska Gold Panning Laws: What You Need To …

When Did Alaska Regulate Recreational Gold Panning and Why? Alaska began regulating recreational gold panning isn't possible. It's more accurate to say it evolved over time, driven by various factors: Historical Context: Gold Rush …

Panning for Gold Along the Dalton Highway

The first prospectors entered the Brooks Range shortly after the Klondike Gold Rush of 1898 pushing to ever more distant regions by canoe, dog team, and snowshoe. A few stayed to build communities in the wilderness. The fortunes of miners and communities have since surged, dwindled and surged again. Today, you too can try your hand at finding gold!

Gold Prospecting in Alaska

Normally this is the entry point for those wanting to try out gold prospecting. In Alaska gold pans are used by people exploring creeks, and beaches, and panning out the fines after a day of sluicing. Learn more about gold panning in Alaska Gold Sluicing: Once gold-bearing gravel has been located it is time to move to a more efficient method of ...

HOME | Skookum Gold Camp | Central, AK

Skookum Gold Camp is a prospectors dream getaway! Join us and Dredge, Highbank, Sluice, Gold Pan and Metal Detect on over 1,000 acres of claims and patented property on 4 creeks in the famous Circle Mining District. If searching for gold …

Gold Panning & Prospecting in Alaska | How to …

Explore the fun and profit of Gold Panning. Learn the basics and what tools you will need like different types of gold pans, shovels, and gold panning classifiers. Check out the best cities in Alaska to find gold from Nome to Juneau, to the …

Alaska Gold Prospecting Adventure | Ninilchik …

Alaska Gold Prospecting | Alaska Gold Rush. Looking for something to do on one of your spare days ? Have you thought about finding gold on the same ground that the miners of the 1886 Alaska gold rush worked. Well look no further …

8 Places to Try Panning for Gold in Alaska

Good options include Denali Gold Tours, which offers single-day tours to a remote riverbed about 50 miles south of Denali National Park, or Alaska Gold Resort, which offers …

Gold Panning Adventures | Alaska | Prospector …

Experience hands-on gold panning at our land-based sluice in Cooper Landing, AK, or purchase Alaska-mined gems and minerals in our online store. HOME KENAI LAKE ADVENTURES

Gold Panning in Alaska

Today, gold panning in Alaska has all but disappeared, but a number of gold mines still operate in parts of the state. Visitors to Alaska may partake in a variety of gold mining experiences from tours that provide stocked sand in which to pan for gold to solo back country expeditions on public mining sites to even making a claim yourself.

Gold Daughters | Pan for Gold in Fairbanks, Alaska

Learn about the concept of "pay dirt" at this gold-panning site in Fairbanks that offers a few prospecting skills as well the chance to hit—well, pay dirt. Golden Upbringing. Gold was first found in Fairbanks in 1902, and its rush lasted about 8 years.

Pan For Gold South of Anchorage

During Alaska's gold rush in the 1890s, prospectors followed rumors of gold into the Kenai Peninsula by hiking across Portage Glacier. ... Prospecting is only allowed on certain pieces of land: designated public lands or private lands. Second—remember, this is for fun, not to get rich. At some places, you'll be happy to find a few pieces ...

Anchorage Adventures: Family Gold Panning in the Alaskan …

Gold Prospecting:Getting here is quite easy by taking the Hope Highway. There is ample ground open to prospecting. Most visitors use basic gold pans, but larger equipment like sluice boxes and even suction dredges are allowed during certain times of year. ... Gold Prospecting in Alaska; The Gold Rush to the Klondike; How Glacial Activity Moves ...

The 58 Best Places To Find Gold In Alaska In 2024

Discover the best gold prospecting locations in Alaska. Our expert guide reveals hidden spots and popular areas to help you strike it rich.

Gold Prospecting in Alaska

Recreational Gold Prospecting in Alaska . Here are a few locations for recreational gold panning in the interior and northern portions of Alaska: Dalton Highway – there are several creeks north of the Yukon River that have been identified by the BLM as being open for panning. There is a brochure, Mineral Collection on the Dalton Highway ...

Gold Prospecting in Alaska: 6 Best Locations & Laws

These gold panning tours in Alaska offer a fantastic opportunity to learn about the state's rich gold mining history while trying to find your gold. So, grab your gold pan, gather …

Gold Mining in Alaska

With the high price of gold in recent years, the gold districts of Alaska are busier than ever, with miners from all around the world prospecting the creeks and rivers during the short mining season each year.