Petroleum Coke: Industry and Environmental Issues

Notes: The process of "calcining" converts green coke to almost pure carbon, with a defined structure to produce carbon anodes for the aluminum industry. Petcoke Compared to Metallurgical Coke and Coal Petcoke has a significantly high heating value compared to metallurgical coke (metcoke) and bituminous coals (see Table 2).

Alba's $400m project nears completion

Besides the 450,000 tpy coke calcining plant, the project involves the construction of a seawater desalination plant which will utilise waste heat from the coke calciner to produce 41,000 cu m per day of potable water for the country's water network.

Waste Heat Recovery in the Oil & Gas Sector

[1] Global Waste Heat Recovery Market in oil and Gas Industry 2015-2019 by Infiniti Research Limited (2015). [2]H.E.S. Fath, H.H. Hashem. Waste heat recovery of dura (Iraq) oil refinery and alternative cogeneration energy plant. Heat Recovery Systems and CHP 8, Issue 3, 1988, 265-270 [3]Oda & Hashem, 1990. Proposals for utilizing the waste heat

Rotary Hearth Calcining of Petroleum Cokes | SpringerLink

Most petroleum coke calciners have a waste heat recovery system to produce steam and preheat the process air for the calciner. The typical system consists of a radiation section to reduce the waste gas temperatures from about 1450 °C to about 950 °C followed by a recuperator to preheat the process air, then a water tube boiler section with an ...

Production and Application of Calcined Coke In Rotary

of the heat-up rate of the coke and this is a well known and 3rd International Conference on Chemical, Ecology and Environmental Sciences (ICEES'2014) March 19-20, 2014 Abu Dhabi (UAE) 122

Calcined Petroleum Coke Manufacturing Process

The kiln includes the coke charger and electrodes (black), gas cleaning system with nitrogen supply (yellow-gold) and the combustor/boiler, where waste heat is recovered (purple). Preparation of coke The petroleum coke production process converts a pitch pyrolysis material into the solid green coke' (PC).

Kazakhstan Petroleum Coke Calcining Waste Heat Boiler …

In 2013, NFC began to look for domestic manufacturers of waste heat boilers suitable for kazakhstan's petroleum coke calcining project.Finally, it adopted the method of public bidding for selection.Zhengzhou Boiler Co.,ltd has had many successful cases in the field of carbon waste heat recovery boilers, its more feasible and perfect tender ...

Petroleum coke calcined-Xi'an Abundance Metallurgical …

Petroleum coke calcining system . Mature petroleum coke calcining equipment manufacturing experience ... A waste heat recovery boiler is used to produce steam from the heat contained in the afterburner exhaust gas. Flexibility in operations. rotary kilns can handle a wide range of green Petroleum cokefeeds including needle, sponge, shot, fluid ...


commonly used system for power generation from waste heat involves using the heat to generate steam in a waste heat boiler, which then drives a steam turbine. Steam turbines are one of the oldest and most versatile prime mover technologies. Heat recovery boiler/steam turbine systems operate thermodynamically as a Rankine Cycle, as shown in ...

Modeling the thermal operation of a petroleum …

The article describes the development of a mathematical model of thermal state of the unit lining for calcining petroleum coke. Determination of the temperature fields of the lining will allow you ...


Petroleum coke shaft calcining technology - salient features of construction and production techniques ... undergo degrading of particle sizes due to high heat-up rate vigorous agitation of coke movement in the kiln. Travaux 44, Proceedings of 33rd International ICSOBA Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 29 November - 1 December 2015 ...

Calciner / ROTAFAST®

The applied technologies comprising all units in those plants as kiln, afterburner, waste heat boiler, etc. We are building the most modern and largest plants in the world including our in-house developed ROTAFAST® Coke Cooling System to produce a top quality calcined coke for the aluminum industry and high-grade needle coke.

Petroleum Coke Calcining System Rotary Kiln Rotary Kiln Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke calcining system. Mature petroleum coke calcining equipment manufacturing experience . We have more than 10 petroleum coke calcination systems in safe operation around the world, 85% of which are rotary kiln calcination processes.

Waste Heat to Power Systems

Waste Heat to Power Systems SEPA COMBINED HEAT AND ^ POWER PARTNERSHIP Introduction Waste heat to power (WHP) is the process of capturing heat discarded by an existing industrial process and using that heat to generate power (see Figure 1). ... Port Arthur Steam Energy WHP from Petroleum Coke Plant A heat recovery boiler/steam …

Development of an Advanced Combined Heat and …

Coke calcination is a process that involves the heating of green petroleum coke in order to remove volatile material and purify the coke for further processing. Calcined coke is vital to the …

Utilization of Process Off-Gas as a Fuel for Improved …

The calcining process is composed of the petroleum coke charger (black), fluidized bed calciner with electrodes and nitrogen supply (red), and gas cleaning system (yellow-gold). The waste heat utilization system (or advanced CHP) is composed of the combustor/boiler (purple), coke cooler (blue), and generator (blue-violet).

Cogeneration Waste Heat Recovery at a Coke Calcining …

PSE Inc. recently completed the design, construction and start-up of a cogeneration plant in which waste heat in the high temperature flue gases of three existing coke calcining kilns is recovered to produce process steam and electrical energy. The heat previously exhausted to the atmosphere is now converted to steam by waste heat recovery boilers.

The History and Future Challenges of Calcined Petroleum Coke Production

CPC is produced by heating or calcining green petroleum coke (GPC) at temperatures greater than 1200°C. The production of GPC has remained essentially the same since 1929 when the modern delayed coking process was born. ... Many rotary kilns are built with waste heat energy recovery systems to capture heat from the hot flue gases exiting the ...


Three Deltak waste heat recovery boilers rated at 210 kpph, 140 kpph, and 140 kpph, Multiclone Dust Collection System, GE 6.5 MW back-pressure steam turbine, 1000gpm water demineralization system, 2.5 mile steam pipeline ... captures waste heat from three petroleum coke calcining kilns owned by Oxbow Corporation and uses it to make steam, most ...


coke calciner at Visakhapatnam (³Vizag) in India. The objective of this paper is to review the operation at Vizag with a focus on systems designed to minimize the impact on the environment. The paper will describe the equipment used to handle the flue gas stream from the kilns which includes a waste heat recovery boiler, steam turbine ...

Coke Calcining Systems Brochure

A typical pulverized fuel/gas burner 's rotary cooler design utilizes both a direct water quench of the hot coke at the cooler entrance and counterflow movement of ambient air to cool the coke. The direct quench type is the most …

CASE STUDY Large Scale Industrial Waste Heat -to …

490 kpph (770 psig) Total Waste Heat Boiler Capacity Each of 3 Boilers includes: • Refractory lined inlet ducts • Magnesium Hydroxide Injection • Double Isolation Dampers • Radiant, Superheater, Evaporator, Economizer • Multiclone • Induced Draft Fan • Acoustic Sootblower 6.5 MW / 4160V Steam Turbine-Generator Deaerator Electric & Steam (backup) Boiler Feed Pumps

Project Profile Waste Heat to Power From Petroleum …

Port Arthur Steam Energy LP (PASE) captures waste heat from three petroleum coke calcining kilns owned by Oxbow Corporation and uses it to make steam, most of which it sells to the …

Development of an Advanced Combined Heat and …

electrothermal fluidized bed, integrated with waste heat utilization. The calcining process is composed of the petroleum coke charger (black), fluidized bed calciner with electrodes and nitrogen supply (red), and gas cleaning system (yellow-gold). The waste heat utilization system (or advanced CHP) is composed of the

(PDF) Waste Heat to Power Systems | Goran Bolsec

Waste Heat Boiler, Unit 4 Engineering Scoping Study of Thermoelectric Generator Systems for Industrial Waste Heat Recovery, Terry Hendricks, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, William Choate, BCS Incorporated, Report to U.S. DOE Industrial Technologies Program, November 2006. 14 The Hall–Héroult process is used for the production of ...

Cogeneration Waste Heat Recovery at a Coke Calcining Facility

PSE Inc. recently completed the design, construction and start-up of a cogeneration plant in which waste heat in the high temperature flue gases of three existing coke calcining kilns is …

Coke Calcining Systems

Table 1. Typical sponge coke specifications Item Green coke Calcined coke Table 2. Typical needle coke specifications Item Green coke Calcined coke Volatile Matter Volatile Matter Bulk Density Bulk Density Real Density Real Density Reference no. description 101 Kiln feed bin 102 Weigh feeder 103 Feed hood 104 Rotary kiln 105* Tertiary air system 106 Firing hood 107 …

Waste Heat Recovery in the Oil & Gas Sector

Steam Energy WHP from Petroleum Coke Plant, located at Port Arthur (Texas), recovers energy from three petroleum-coke calcining kilnsat temperature higher thant 500°C for producing LP steam (to use at an adjacent …

PETCOKE – Thermal Systems

Coke calcination involves heating of green petroleum coke in kiln.The kiln exhaust gas is directed to an afterburner. The exhaust gases are passed through a waste heat recovery boiler wherein the heat is recovered in form of steam which is further used for …

Rotary Hearth Calcining of Petroleum Cokes

different method for heating the coke up to the calcining temperature which typically ranges from 1150° to 1400 °C. This paper will concentrate on the rotary hearth furnace and its use for petroleum coke calcining. Shaft Furnace Shaft furnaces are probably the oldest form of furnace used for calcining of petroleum coke. Shaft furnaces that ...

Calciner / ROTAFAST®

The applied technologies comprising all units in those plants as kiln, afterburner, waste heat boiler, etc. We are building the most modern and largest plants in the world including our in-house developed ROTAFAST® Coke Cooling System to …

PROJECT PROFILE Port Arthur Steam Energy Oxbow Corp.

PASE captures and recovers 1800-2000°F heat from the fluegas from three petroleum coke calcining kilns at the Oxbow Corporation calcining facility, and uses it to produce …

Waste Heat Recovery in the Oil & Gas Sector

The most commonly system involves the steam generation in a waste heat boiler linked to a steam ... recovers energy from three petroleum-coke calcining kilnsat temperature higher thant 500°C for producing LP ... Heat Recovery Systems and CHP, 10, Issue 1, 1990, Pages 71-77 M.A. Doheim †, S.A. Sayed, O.A. Hamed. Energy analysis and waste heat ...

Project Profile Waste Heat to Power From Petroleum …

Waste Heat to Power From Petroleum Coke Calcining ... Three Deltak waste heat recovery boilers rated at 210 kpph, 140 kpph, and 140 kpph, Multiclone Dust Collection System, GE 6.5 MW back-pressure steam turbine, 1000gpm water …


includes a waste heat recovery boiler, steam turbine generator, SO2 scrubber, and baghouse. The ... operates a 500 000 t/annum petroleum coke calcining plant at Visakhapatnam ("Vizag") in Andhra Pradesh, India. RCCVL is part of Rain Carbon Inc., ... generates electrical power from surplus heat. The system significantly reduces the impact of the

Petroleum Coke Calcining Systems

A waste heat recovery boiler is used to produce steam from the heat contained in the afterburner exhaust gas. Flexibility in operations rotary kilns can handle a wide range of green coke feeds including needle, sponge, shot, fluid or tar …

Calcining petroleum coke of pot furnace and rotary kiln

The retort calciner calcines petroleum coke as indirect heating, the volatile matter burns in the flame path and generates heat, and then indirectly transfers heat to petroleum coke through firebricks. As the heating is indirect, petroleum coke is hardly oxidized, while the volatile matter of the rotary kiln burns directly on the surface of ...

Pyro Processing Solutions

and coke calcining, is well positioned to develop the best calcining solutions for emerging industries such as lithium, nickel, vanadium, rare earths and fertilizer ingredients. Our extensive presence in over 50 countries and expertise in various calcining processes allows local

Which Waste Heat Boiler Is Suitable for …

After the petroleum coke calcining, large amount of high temperature flue gas will be produced, and the carbon kiln waste heat. Zhengzhou Boiler CO.,LTD ... Therefore, the suitable waste heat boiler for …