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In this study, the production of synthetic rutile from ilmenite as a by-product from tin ore beneficiation through pre-oxidation and reductive leaching of the pre-oxidized ilmenite …
In the present work, we propose a process for the production of synthetic rutile based on hydrochloric acid leaching of ilmenite ore at ambient pressure in the presence of …
results of the studies on leaching characteristics of beneficiated ilmenite wherein, microwave energy was used for heating the solution instead of conventional heating. MATERIALS AND …
Coal leaching is a two-stage process where alkali and acid leaching cycles are used, where most of the ash constituents are accumulated in the spent acid and hence purification of spent acid ...
Table 1 presents basic information about ilmenite properties (rutile properties are also provided for a comparison), and Fig. 2 shows the crystal structure of ilmenite. The theoretical TiO 2 content in ilmenite is 52.7% and the specific gravity of ilmenite is high (ilmenite is considered to be a heavy mineral with the specific gravity of about 5). Fig. 2 shows that …
At present, the collectors employed for the recovery of ilmenite can be broadly classified into six categories: oxidized paraffin soap, tall oil, arsenic acid, oleic acid and its derivatives ...
3. Analysis methods and process chemistry3.1.. Analysis methodsIn the most of leaching investigations, the phosphate rock samples were crushed and then sieved to collect various size fractions for analysis of combined water and organic matter, P 2 O 5 content, CO 2 content or loss on ignition (LOI) and acid insoluble residue (AIR). In the leaching experiments, …
In the ten years from 2003 to 2013 global mine production of copper has increased by over 23% to meet demand while the weighted average head grade has dropped from 0.9 to 0.7% Cu.
In order to understand the essential treatment of coal for efficient removal of mineral matters and improve coal properties by beneficiation techniques are crucial to developing advanced technologies.
Pretreatment of ilmenite are required to enhance leaching efficiency of ilmenite. Strong acid leaching is promising in terms of the purity of the produced TiO2, low energy consumption and waste ...
Mining activities are notorious for their environmental impact, with acid mine drainage (AMD) being among the most significant issues. Specifically, AMD has recently been a topical issue of prime ...
Mine tailings deposits are often overlooked by the industry, posing significant environmental challenges due to chemical hazards and inadequate maintenance. Nevertheless, such mineral deposits hold considerable economic potential for processing, and the adoption of innovative technologies may also address critical chemical and physical stability issues. …
2.2.1. Acid Leaching Dephosphorization The raw ore was ground to a specific particle size for the sulfuric acid leaching experiments. This procedure was accomplished using the XMQ 240 690 ball ...
Qiao et al.(2025) extracted iron from nickel laterite ore acid leaching residue using phosphoric acid and iron powder, achieving a 96.5 % iron recovery rate and producing high-purity FePO 4 (99.4 %). This method offers a new approach for the resourceful utilization of nickel laterite ore acid leaching residue.
Acid Leach (PAL) discharge, while allowing for the atmospheric leaching of nickel and cobalt from the saprolite. as shown in Figure I, below. It was anticipated that separate processing of
The alkaline roasting route has some relevant advantages, the main one being lower energy consumption and lower carbon dioxide emission compared to the chloride route, which requires an oxidation step performed at 1300–1800°C to convert TiCl 4 vapor into TiO 2 releasing 550 kg of CO 2 per ton of TiO 2 produced [].Another feature is the possibility of leaching the roasted …
Primary beneficiation was successfully performed prior to dissolution of manganotantalite (sample A) and ferrotantalite (sample C) samples obtained from two different mines in the Naquissupa area, Mozambique. Magnetic separation removed the majority of iron and titanium, whereas H2SO4 leaching removed a large portion of thorium and uranium in …
Heap leaching may be also applied for the treatment of low-grade laterite ores, which normally requires longer times and has lower nickel and cobalt recoveries compared to acid leaching in ...
Subsequently, the combustion product is subjected to acid leaching with nitric acid, in which NaCl, MgO and Mg can be readily dissolved, leading to the isolation of FeTi. It has been revealed that FeTi is obtained as the major phase when the acid leaching is carried out at low temperatures (40 °C), where Fe 3 Ti 3 O also exists as a minor phase.
In the wet process, the mineral is treated with mineral acids that may be nitric, hydrochloric or sulfuric according to: Globally, most of phosphoric acid is manufactured by the wet process using ...
The solution was analyzed using ICP–OES, and the analysis was repeated for the all the dissolution and quantitative analyses at different stages of the beneficiation process. 2.4. Acid leaching procedure for removal of radioactive materials Fig. 1. Scheme for the tantalite ore beneficiation using magnetic separation and acid leaching processes.
Overall acid consumptions of ores under the optimum conditions were 669 kg H2SO4/ton dry ore for nontronite and 714 kg H2SO4/ton dry ore for limonite.Multi-step leaching experiments which included ...
The optimum conditions for first stage leaching were 70 g/L solid–liquid (S/L) ratio at 40°C for 30 minutes, and 2.0 M sulfuric acid, 100 g/L S/L ratio, 7 g/L starch, at 85°C for 120 minutes ...
DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c00219 Corpus ID: 213779281; Effective Separation and Beneficiation of Iron and Chromium from Laterite Sulfuric Acid Leach Residue @article{Lei2020EffectiveSA, title={Effective Separation and Beneficiation of Iron and Chromium from Laterite Sulfuric Acid Leach Residue}, author={Meng Lei and Bao-zhong Ma and …
MS is usually applied in combination with an adjunct process such as GC (Alabi et al. 2016;Berhe et al. 2017;Nete et al. 2014) or aqueous leaching (Nete et al. 2014) for proper beneficiation ...
Abstract The beneficiation of phosphate ores containing carbonate gangue by conventional techniques such as physical separation methods or flotation is very difficult due to the similarities in physico-chemical properties of constituent minerals present in the system. Carbonate-rich phosphate deposits can be processed by calcination and by selective acid …
This work has shown that leaching of ilmenite ore in HCl solution was significantly influenced by the acid concentra- tion, reaction time, solid-liquid ratio and temperature, and the
The effect of the acid type upon the REEs leaching efficiency from the powdered sample is tested using 3M of H 2 SO 4, HNO 3 and HCl under the 1/3 solid/liquid ratio, 80 mesh particle size, 200 ...
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This paper summarizes the current research status of organic acid and inorganic acid leaching recovery of lead-zinc tailings. The purpose is to provide reference for the research on the recovery of valuable metals from lead-zinc tailings by acid leaching in China 2. Lead-zinc Tailings Organic Acid Leaching. 2.1. Citric acid leaching
The present paper is concerned with studying a rapid and economic process to upgrade Rosetta ilmenite concentrate into synthetic rutile through simultaneous iron removal …
However, Paixao and De Mendonca (1979) reported the beneficiation an anatase ore containing 28 wt% TiO 2 by a combination of slime removal, controlled ... Laboratory (Sole, 1999b) and mini-plant (Sole et al., 1999) work with liquor from a sulphuric acid leach of a titaniferous magnetite indicated that reasonable titanium extraction could be ...
Phosphorous is indispensable in the phosphoric acid industry, fertilizers, and elemental phosphorus production due to its high economic importance. The way to successfully upgrade phosphate ore was based on a full understanding of its mineralogy, mineral surface properties, mineral distribution and liberation. Most phosphate ores are not suitable for direct …
Consequently, the acid leaching reduction method possesses the advantages of energy conservation and the one-step leaching process [12]. The research is aimed to develop a comprehensive method for optimal beneficiation of manganese ore and high-efficient leaching. Thus, it will be possible to exploit the Unagad manganese deposit by selecting ...
The present scenario has urged the necessity to beneficiate and extract lithium from the available resources judiciously. Pegmatites constitute the second major economic resource of lithium, after brines, accounting for about 25% of global production [14].The lithium-bearing minerals, hosted by the pegmatite rocks, include spodumene, lepidolite, petalite, amblygonite, …
Three generations of leaching processes, pool leaching, heap leaching and the widely used in situ leaching, have been developed successively in China. 108 Ion-adsorption RE ores were initially leached in sodium chloride (NaCl) solution and subsequently precipitated with oxalic acid (H 2 C 2 O 4). The large amount of high-concentration NaCl ...
Transformation of ilmenite to different titanium based materials by strong and weak acid, and base digestion, is discussed. Effects of temperature, concentration of acid/base, …
Strong acid leaching is promising in terms of the purity of the produced TiO2, low energy consumption and waste management. The effect of several factors on the acid leaching …