(PDF) Skarns and Skarn Deposits

The mineral chemistry of major skarn-forming minerals, hence, records the change in the fluid/rock ratio, and the arrival, distribution, and remobilization of tin by magmatic fluids in polyphase ...

Copper Skarn

Skarns tend to be rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and aluminum silicate minerals and referred to as calc-silicate minerals. The skarns arise from pure limestone or dolomite at …

9.3.2: Hydrothermal Ore Deposits

These deposits fall into four or five categories: porphyry deposits, skarn deposits, ... Copper minerals were first discovered at Morenci by an Army battalion in 1865; mining began in 1872. Today, the mine, with pits that total almost 130 square kilometers, is the largest copper producer in North America. The workings extend beneath and between ...

Skarn Zonation and Mineral Geochemistry of the Galinge Skarn Deposit

The Galinge deposit, the largest skarn Fe-polymetallic deposit in Qinghai province, is located in the center of the Qiman Tagh ore belt in northwestern China (Fig. 2.1) [].Qiman Tagh, which extends from Golmud in the east to the Altun strike-slip fault in the west (Fig. 2.1), is one of the most prolific porphyry-skarn metallogenic belts in western China [19, 31, 42].

Geology and Genesis of Major Copper Deposits and …

Each metallogenic epoch introduced its own deposit type(s), of which porphyry copper (and related skarn), followed by sediment-hosted stratiform copper and then iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG), are globally preeminent. Nonetheless, genesis of the copper provinces remains somewhat enigmatic and a topic of ongoing debate.

Magmatic Processes of Granitoids in the Hongniu-Hongshan Porphyry-Skarn

The Hongniu-Hongshan porphyry-skarn deposit is located in the southern Yidun terrane in the Sanjiang Tethyan Metallogenic Domain (STMD). Although its metallogenesis has been well constrained in the past decade, the magmatic processes for granitoids in the Hongniu-Hongshan deposit are still poorly understood. Herein, we provide new geochemical data on …

Hydrothermal deposits

They are formed when hydrothermal fluids circulate through the rocks and deposit minerals in the cracks. Vein deposits are often rich in metals such as gold, silver, copper, and lead. Skarn deposits: Skarns are contact metamorphic rocks that form when hydrothermal fluids come into contact with carbonate rocks. Skarn deposits can contain a wide ...

Skarn Deposits

Some minerals, such as quartz and calcite, are present in almost all skarns. Other minerals, such as humite, periclase, phlogopite, talc, serpentine, and brucite are typical of magnesian skarns but are absent from most other skarn types.

The role of porphyry-related skarns in the Chating porphyry copper and

Porphyry and associated skarn deposits supply most of the world's Cu, Au and Mo and generally occur together when the wall rocks include limestone, sandstone, and calcareous volcanic rocks (Sillitoe, 2010, Meinert et al., 2005).Both skarn and porphyry alteration and mineralization can contribute to the metal resource, for example, the Ertsberg–Grasberg …

Rare earths and other trace elements in minerals from skarn …

The Hillside Cu–(Au) deposit, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, is a recently-discovered ore system within the 1.6 Ga World-class Olympic iron oxide–copper–gold (IOCG) Province.The deposit is characterized by a skarn-style alteration zone.

Skarn Deposits | Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Volume

Skarn deposits are among the most abundant and variable of all types of mineral deposits; yet, in spite of their diversity, they exhibit systematic geologic, petrologic, and mineralogic features which permit classification and detailed investigation. ... larger Cu skarns associated with altered and mineralized porphyry copper stocks and ...

Skarn: A rock altered by hot, chemically-active …

Metamorphic minerals that characterize the skarn environment include a wide range of calc-silicates, many types of garnet, and a range of pyroxenes and amphiboles. Occasionally, valuable metallic mineral ores occur in skarn. …

Geology of the World-Class Antamina Copper-Zinc Skarn Deposit…

Antamina (3 km long by 1.5 km wide in the northeast direction) is a skarn deposit with copper/zinc, ... Consistent mineral zonation is controlled by stratigraphic and structural settings (Figure 3). Alteration zonation outward from the intrusion is characterized by brown and pink garnet endoskarn, transition/indeterminate skarn, brown and green ...


Skarn deposits are typically zoned mineralogically with respect to pluton contacts, original lithology of host rocks, and (or) fluid pathways. Later petrogenetic stages may partly or …

New Insights into Porphyry, Epithermal, and Skarn Deposits

Porphyry, epithermal, and skarn deposits are major deposit types in the world, producing large amounts of Cu, Au, Ag, Fe, W, Sn, Mo, Pb, and Zn, as well as other critical, nonferrous, and precious metals each year. ... and chlorite, as well as other copper and iron minerals including chalcopyrite, bornite, secondary magnetite, and specular ...

(PDF) Mineral Deposits of China

6 Skarn Deposits of China . ... Copper deposits and other deposits with significant Cu production are restricted mainly to the higher-εHf juvenile crustal regions in the northern and eastern SGXR ...

Skarn Deposits

Skarn deposits represent a very diverse class in terms of geologic setting and ore metals. They constitute the world's premier sources of tungsten (more than 70% world's tungsten production); major sources of copper; important sources of iron, molybdenum and zinc; and minor sources of cobalt, gold, silver, lead, bismuth, tin, beryllium, rare earth elements, fluorine, and boron …

Chapter 6 Skarn Deposits of China | Mineral Deposits of …

Skarn deposits are one of the most common deposit types in China. The 386 skarns summarized in this review contain ~8.9 million tonnes (Mt) Sn (8. Skip to Main Content ... Manganese-rich skarn minerals may be abundant in distal skarns. Metal associations and endowment are largely controlled by the magma redox state and degree of fractionation ...

(PDF) Mineralogy of the Panulcillo skarn copper deposit, Coquimbo

Appearance of porphyry copper mineralization in some skarn deposits implies that skarn copper mineralization of the study area resemble to those in northern sub-metallogenic belt, having uniform ...

Cobalt distribution and enrichment in skarn iron deposits: A …

The pyrite in some Chinese skarn deposits also has a relatively high Co content. The Co content of pyrite in the Pusangguo Co-rich skarn Cu-Pb-Zn deposit in Gangdise, Tibet is up to 7.67 wt% (Wang et al., 2022a). The Co content of pyrite in the Lalinzaohuo Co-Cu polymetallic skarn deposit in East Kunlun is 2.43 wt% to 3.05 wt% (Chen et al., 2023).

Skarn: A rock altered by hot, chemically-active …

Metamorphic minerals that characterize the skarn environment include a wide range of calc-silicates, many types of garnet, and a range of pyroxenes and amphiboles. Occasionally, valuable metallic mineral ores occur in skarn.

Whole Rock, Mineral Chemistry during Skarn Mineralization …

Skarn-type deposits have a long geological history and manifest in various forms, including Fe-Cu(Au)-Mo polymetallic deposits, which are among the primary sources of iron, copper, molybdenum and related platinum group element mineral resources in China [3,4,5,6].

Skarn Deposits – Our Largest Source of Tungsten

The collection of ore minerals found in a skarn deposit depends mainly on the chemistry of the granite and are a mixture of sulphide and oxide minerals. ... The infamous Ok Tedi mine in western Papua New Guinea is a giant porphyry and skarn copper-gold deposit extracting about 20 million tonnes of ore each year.

Skarn | Types, Composition, Formation, Uses

Skarns can be divided into sub-sections according to certaincriteria: Skarn can be classified according to its Protolith. Ifsakarn protolith is sedimentary origin, it can be reffered to as an exoskarn.If the protolith is ignouse rock, it can be called an endoskarn. Skarn also classification can be made …

Skarn Copper Deposits | INN

Skarn deposits are often described according to the dominant economic metal or mineral present, whether it is copper, iron, tungsten, zinc-lead, molybdenum or gold. Examples of world-class copper ...

Copper Mineral Properties, Uses and Occurrence

These minerals can be found in a variety of geological settings, including porphyry copper deposits, volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits, sediment-hosted copper deposits, and skarn deposits. Common Copper Minerals and their Properties. Here are some common copper minerals and their properties: Chalcopyrite: This is the most common copper ...

Mineral resource assessment map for skarn deposits of …

to assess the potential for undiscovered skarn deposits of gold, silver, copper, tung sten, and iron in the Butte 1°X2° quadrangle. Other deposit types have been assessed and reports for each …

Geology of the World-Class Antamina Copper …

Antamina is located in the north-central part of Peru, in the Andes Mountains, at an elevation of 4,300 m. It is recognized as one of the largest skarn deposits in the world, with estimated resources of 3 Mt averaging 0.89% …

Skarn Deposits | Geology of Canadian Mineral Deposit …

In rare instances, existing mineral deposits are converted to skarn deposits by metamorphism, as proposed by Sangster et al.for Meat Cove and Lime Hill, Nova Scotia; Johnson et al. (1990) for Franklin Furnace, New Jersey; Gemmell et al. (1992) for Aguilar, Argentina; and Hodgson (1975) for Broken Hill, Australia

Reconstructing fluid evolution and precipitation mechanism …

The North Wuyi area is an important metallogenic belt in the interior of South China, and many skarn copper deposits have been discovered, such as the Tongshan deposit, the Chuankeng deposit and the Longtougang deposit (Wei et al., 2018, Zhang et al., 2020, Zhang et al., 2022).However, the lack of research on the formation mechanism of these copper …

Geology and geochronology of the Banchang distal Cu-Mo skarn deposit …

Banchang is the largest Cu-Mo deposit (348 Mt @ 0.32% Cu and 428 Mt @ 0.07% Mo) in the Qinling orogenic belt, Central China. Orebodies are hosted in the contact between several granitoid dikes and graphite-bearing marble of the Neoproterozoic Yanlinggou Formation. Wallrock alteration comprises garnet skarn, pyroxene skarn, chlorite skarn, and stockwork …


the porphyry-type (Ch. 8) and skarn-type ore deposits, and at least some skarn deposits appear to be mineralization in carbonate wallrocks within porphyry systems. Nevertheless, skarn deposits do possess enough special characteristics to be treated as a …

Separation of iron and copper in skarn deposits from the …

Skarn deposits, among the world's most abundant and economically significant ore types, are categorized into seven main groups based on key metals: Fe, Au, Cu, Zn, W, Mo, and Sn skarns (Einaudi et al., 1981, Meinert et al., 2005).They are also important types of deposit for high-grade iron and copper (Li et al., 2019a).Especially in China, iron and copper skarn …

Copper Skarn

Workings on gold– copper skarn mineralization extend over 2 km from the SGA (South German Adits) site in the south through Thayetchaung to beyond Bwetchaung in the north (Fig. 2.15).The workings are situated in the west-facing Shan Scarp about 3 km east of the Lebyin–Yetayauk antimony deposits described in Chapter 5.As reported by Brown and Sondhi (1933a,b), prior to …

Skarn deposits

Common ore minerals found in skarns include copper, iron, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum, and gold. The specific ore minerals that are present in a skarn deposit are dependent on the composition of the invading fluid and the …